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Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Across Poland bells were rung at a slow and mournful pace. People sought solace in churches and drifted through city squares, apparently in a daze, and laid candles at national monuments and government buildings. Mourners queued in their hundreds to sign books of condolences, young people in leather jackets and torn jeans, and elderly women in headscarves and clutching pictures of the Black Virgin of Czestochowa.
In Warsaw, Poland's prime minister, Donald Tusk, held an extraordinary meeting of his cabinet, as disbelieving Poles struggled to comprehend the news that the country's 60-year-old president â?? and numerous civilian and military leaders â?? had perished. Looking shattered, Tusk emerged to declare a day of national mourning. He said a two-minute silence for victims of the tragedy would be held at midday today. "The contemporary world has not seen such a tragedy," he said.
Kaczynski had said he would seek a second term in presidential elections this autumn. He was expected to face an uphill struggle against the speaker, Bronislaw Komorowski, the candidate of Tusk's governing Civic Platform party. Komorowski yesterday took over Kaczynski's job as head of state, a largely symbolic role. The election will be brought forward, with Poles set to go to the polls to choose a new president by the end of June.
Clegg's comments come as both Labour and the Liberal Democrats slammed Tory proposals to give married couples a tax break.
George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, laid out details of the Â?550m plan yesterday, revealing it would benefit only one-third of Britain's 12.3 million married couples â?? those where there is one partner on a low to middle income and the other does not earn. They would gain Â?150 a year.
The King's Fund believes the NHS is unprepared for the future. It warns that the service will face a Â?21bn gap in its funding by 2014 as it struggles with tighter budgets and ever-increasing demand, including the needs of an ageing population. "In the medium term, financially, the NHS is facing the worst of times," it states.
How? After four decades scrutinising this least predictable of games I have never seen anything like Mickelson's eagle-eagle-birdie burst through holes 13, 14 and 15. Five shots made up in three holes. To be fair, it was very nearly three American eagles on the bounce had his wedge at the long 15th not spun to a halt a mere five inches from the hole.
While Poulter struggled, dropping shots to par but not quite disappearing, Westwood fought like the genuine star he has become in the last couple of years. Others would have buckled under the pressure as huge galleries cheered on Mickelson but the gym-moulded Englishman stayed what he said he would: patient. His reward came on the long 15th. He was irritated when his eagle putt slipped past the hole but smiled and blinked happily when he noticed that his birdie had taken him back up ahead of Mickelson when the Californian sliced his approach to the 17th and took three putts to get down. In the end Westwood's 68 was good enough to give him a one-stroke lead, 18 holes to go.
Meanwhile KJ Choi, Korea's favourite golfer, was sliding quietly through the pines. While everyone was watching everyone else this beautifully balanced, metronomic golfer was clipping his way up the rankings. As was Fred Couples. Now 50, his hair steel grey, his feet so tender he wears sneakers rather than golf shoes to negotiate Augusta's demanding hills, Couples is playing as well as he did when he won here 18 years ago.
While Mickelson finished with a five-under-par 67, Couples returned a 68 to stay within jousting distance and in a tie for fourth with Choi. Guess who is one stroke better? Yes, it's Tiger Woods, whose three-foot birdie at the last gave him 70. It may be irritating to some but the great lothario is refusing to go away. Instead he is bathing in the adulation thrown at him by most of the punters gathered here to squint at celebrity and maybe even enjoy some of the golf.
Well, you'll have to talk to the lawyers about it, uncle Les.
Będziesz musiał porozmawiać o tym z prawnikami.
After he punched me, he threw Les into a wall.
A po tym, jak mnie uderzył, popchnął Les prosto na ścianę.
Les cages in France are always made from brass or steel.
Les cages we Francji robione są z mosiądzu bądź stali.
Les and throughout his life Do just that.
Les i przez jego życie Zrób tylko to.
The whole left side of the frame, les.
Gdzie? - Cała lewa strona kadru, Les.
Les Miles got so sick of us kicking his ass, he jumped conferences.
Les Miles miał tak dość przegrywania z nami, że zmienił konferencje.
A guy named Les wants to marry you?
Jakiś Les chce cię za żonę?
It's a style les fauves, which is French for wild beasts.
To styl les fauves, co oznacza po francuzku dzikie bestie.
Bernadette, it has certainly been an honor meeting a member of Les Girls.
Bernadette, to zaszczyt móc spotkać jedną z Girls.
We always go to Les Deux, just 'cause all our friends are there.
Zawsze chodzimy do Les Deux, tylko dlatego, bo są tam nasi wszyscy przyjaciele.
Les, do you think she'll dance with him?
Les, naprawdę myślisz, że ona będzie z nim tańczyć?
No, more like what do you need, Les?
Raczej czego ty chcesz, Les?
You and Les Nessman have worked the same shift ever since his first day.
Ty i Les Nessman robicie na tej samej zmianie od samego początku.
Les Freres is the name of my restaurant It means brothers.
Les Frčres, tak się nazywa moja restauracja To znaczy Bracia.
You have a genuine flair for making a scene, don't you, Les?
Masz prawdziwą smykałkę do robienia scen, co nie, Les?
Barry convinced your mother to dance with Les.
Barry przekonał twoja matkę aby zatańczyła z Les'em.
She had a copy of a stag film, her and Betty Short playing les.
Dała mi kopię filmu. Ona i Betty Short grały lesbijki.
Les, do you know about this girl?
Les, czy wiesz coś o tej dziewczynie?
Another minute, you would have met les freres Leland.
Jeszcze chwila i spotkalibyście les freres Leland.
Les Fletcher is my job. it's what I do.
Les Fletcher to mój pan i robię co muszę.
With all due respect, Les Grossman did not blow up the jungle.
Z całym szacunkiem, Les Grossman nie wysadził dżungli.
And he and his boys are going to Les Trois tonight.
I on i jego koledzy jadą do Les Trois dziś wieczorem.
Les, tell me you have Advanced Chem first period.
Les, powiedz mi, że masz zaawansowaną Chemię, pierwszy semestr.
'Les extrêmes se touchent', as the French would say, and this situation is typical.
Jak powiedzieliby to Francuzi, Les extrêmes se touchent [przeciwieństwa stykają się ze sobą], a więc jest to typowa sytuacja.
She doesn't like les malades, the mad people.
Nie lubi Le Malade, szalonych ludzi.
Here les my husband Peter Porter, age 51.
Tutaj leży mój mąż Peter Porter, lat 51.
Your mum and Les were great dancers.
Twoja mama i Les byli dobrymi tancerzami.
Because they're for you, mon professeur de les oeufs.
Bo są dla Ciebie, mon professeur de les oeufs. mój profesorze od jajek?
Did you really climb Les Bleuets on the eastfront? the news is going fast.
Czy naprawdę wspinałeś się na wschodnim ścianie Les Bleuets? Wieści szybko się rozchodzą.
Like I said, Les Miles is a strategic genius.
Jak mówiłam, Les Miles jest geniuszem strategii.
Les Price for 2 at 8:00.
Les Price, dla dwóch osób na 20.
Les was always doing cool stuff.
Zawsze angażował się w fajne sprawy.
I'm Les Price and this is my son, Tim.
Ja jestem Les Price, a to mój syn, Tim.
I have a box for Les Huguenots tonight.
Mam na dzisiejszy wieczór paczkę cygar Les Huguenots.
You're what the French call les incompetents.
Po francusku: les incompetents. Co?
I was thinking maybe we could just les bon temps roulez...
Tak sobie pomyślałem, może moglibyśmy po prostu les bon temps roulez...
We climt Les Bleuets in less than 10 minutes.
Wzięliśmy Les Bleuets w mniej niż 10 minut.
Oh, Bates, sweet, but it's not for les enfants.
Bates, to nie podróż dla les enfants.
I was the original Gavroche in les mis.
Byłem oryginalnym Gavroche w Secie
Les, I'm going up into the ring.
Les, wchodzę na ring.
Lily and Les Marton had something planned for me. I haven't decided yet.
Lily i Les Marton mają coś dla mnie, ale nie wiem, czy skorzystam.
No, Les, you haven't changed a bit.
Nie, Les, nic się nie zmieniłeś.
She had no skirt. Just les pantalons.
Nie miała spódnicy, tylko les pantalons.
Can I get one, les?
Dostanę jedno, Les?
I'm gonna need les nessman's letter of resignation on my desk tomorrow.
Jutro z rana chcę widzieć rezygnację Lesa Nessmana na moim biurku.
Les, two people are dead, and we don't know--
Les, dwoje ludzi jest martwych, i nie wiemy...
I've been singing the Les Miz score since I was in second grade.
Śpiewałem piosenki z Les Miz odkąd byłem w drugiej klasie.
The exchange was to take place in Les Deux Magots.
Wymiana miała się odbyć w kawiarni Les Deux Magots.
Two juries found him guilty, Les.
Dwie ławy przysięgłych uznały go winnym.