im. Justyn
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
At 21, Theodora returned to the capital and met Justinian. They were certainly not a likely couple. Justinian was a farmer's son from present-day Serbia who travelled to Constantinople at the age of 11 to work for his uncle Justin, and help in his rise to power and eventual elevation to the throne. Justinian had a strong legal mind (his codifying of Roman law remains a part of legal training today), and had one law changed to raise Theodora's status, and another created to allow her to marry, something that former actresses could not legally do at the time. They married against the wishes of Justinian's aunt, the empress Euphemia, herself an ex-slave and concubine, who saw her own origins echoed a little too obviously in Theodora's. When Justin died and Justinian became emperor in 527, "Theodora-from-the-Brothel" was empress of Rome.
Top tips: Good Times! by Justin Lee Collis, My Bonnie by John Suchet, Halcyon River Diaries by Philippa Forrester and Charlie Hamilton-James, Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre, Road to the Dales: The Story of a Yorkshire Lad by Gervase Phinn
The HPA's Justin McCracken, who last year apologised for the agency's slow response, said today he was "very sorry" for its failings.
Justin Edwards returns with a new show for his hilariously inappropriate children's entertainer, for which he won a Perrier nomination in 2005. The environment is the theme. Pleasance Dome (0131-556 6550), 4-30 August.
11.20am: Now Justin King is up. These early phases of an AGM allow executives to run through their achievements - this year (King's 7th AGM), he's talking about a push to save customers money (including encouraging people to cook meals themselves - those Jamie Oliver ads again).
The upshot is that the dividend is going up by 7% to 14.2p per share - will that prevent shareholders cutting up rough about Justin King and co's pay?
Pirc, the governance advisory group, is unhappy that Sainsbury's CEO Justin King was handed a Â?8m pay deal last year. Insiders at the supermarket point out that profits and sales have both grown steadily on King's watch - but is a 60% bonus increase really justified?
Such common sense is completely revolutionary. Until recently, few in the industry would acknowledge that there was something a teensy bit shallow and moronic and possibly even dubious about taking a 16-year-old model with a head full of Justin Bieber daydreams and GCSE revision notes and dressing her up as a sophisticated femme fatale, arranging her supine on an unmade hotel bed, while dripping with diamond bracelets and thousand-pound handbags and wearing a bored-of-it-all expression. Extreme youth was part and parcel of the fantasy of fashion.
10.35pm: Justin Rose is pootling along steadily enough, but he duffed a chip at 5 and could only make par. Meanwhile John Daly is enjoying a lovely cigarette. That's pratically isotonic for Daly, in so much as he's not sucking down booze.
9.10am: The starter Ivor Robson announces, in his clipped Presbyterian tones, the three-ball of Tiger Woods, Justin Rose and Camilo Villegas. Woods creams a long iron straight down the middle. It's gone a long, long way. Rose clips one after him, but it doesn't run. Villegas hoicks a third straight tee shot down the way. The three all smile broadly as they set out.
So, Justin called and told me what he was going through.
Więc, Justin dzwonił do mnie i mówił, przez co przechodzi.
So, Justin, my new found friend, are you from a really big city?
Więc, Justin, nasz nowy przyjacielu, pochodzisz z dużego miasta?
Justin said that everything's changed, and he fell in love with me for real.
Justin powiedział, że wszystko się zmieniło i naprawdę się we mnie zakochał.
At eight, Justin came for him to shut up shop.
O ósmej przyszedł po niego Justin by zamknął sklep.
Justin and I were friends since freshman year in high school.
Justin i ja byliśmy przyjaciółmi od pierwszej klasy w liceum.
Justin said Dad killed his mom on the operating table.
Justin powiedział, że tata zabił jego mamę na stole operacyjnym.
The police always suspected that Justin knew what happened to her.
Policja zawsze podejrzewała, że Justin wie co się jej stało.
Justin, be a good chap and leave this to us.
Justin... bądź dobrym kolegom i zostaw to nam.
I'm sorry about your mother, Justin, more than you know.
Przykro mi z powodu twojej matki, Justin, bardziej, niż przypuszczasz.
Therefore, any contact from Justin must be reported to me immediately.
Tak więc o każdym kontakcie z Justinem należy natychmiast mnie powiadomić.
Justin gone, no longer a mom, mostly a wife, a woman.
Justin wyjechał, mamy już nie ma, pozostałaś głównie żoną, kobietą.
There were plenty of options he could have looked into for Justin.
Było wiele innych możliwości, mógł poszukać ich dla Justina.
Justin,we've barely seen each other lately,and last night was a big deal.
Justin, ledwo co sie widujemy, a ostatnia noc to była wielka sprawa.
Can I talk to you about Justin for a second?
Mogę z Tobą rzez chwilę porozmawiać o Justinie?
But that was because of the whole Justin thing.
Ale to wszystko przez tą sprawę z Justinem.
Justin, do they teach you about the subconscious at school?
Uczą was w szkole o podświadomości?
Justin, I really don't think this is the time or the place-
Justin, to raczej nie jest odpowiedni czas i miejsce...
Mom, I love you and Justin more than anything else in this entire world.
Mamo, ciebie i Justin'a kocham bardziej niż cokolwiek innego na świecie.
Oh, Justin, do you want me to make you some breakfast or something?
O, Justin, zrobić ci jakieś śniadanie, czy coś?
Justin would never do a spell that he didn't know how to undo.
Justin nigdy nie wymyśla zaklęć, których potem nie umie cofnąć.
I wanna take you to dinner and talk about Justin.
Chcę cię wziąć na kolacje i pogadać o Justinie.
Before you went to the gym, did you see or talk to Justin?
Zanim wyszedłeś na siłownię widziałeś go, rozmawiałeś z nim?
Ronda and Justin wanted to lead the class in a group meditation.
Ronda i Justin chcieliby poddać nas grupowej medytacji.
If Justin doesn't pass this class, he doesn't get to play basketball.
Jeśli Justin nie zaliczy tych zajęć, nie będzie mógł grać w kosza.
Having one drink doesn't make you an idiot, Justin.
Jeden kieliszek nie czyni cię idiotą, Justin.
Justin says he's done with it, I'm not sure I am.
Justin mówi, że z tym skończył To nie jestem tego pewna.
Justin sold me a lie and I bought it.
Justin sprzedał mi bajeczkę a ja ją kupiłam.
He did get into it last week with Justin Gillespie.
Miał spięcie w zeszłym tygodniu z Justinem Gillespie.
Justin, from now on, your thumb will taste like echinacea.
Od teraz twój kciuk, będzie smakował jak echinacea.
Where do you lead your other life, Justin ?
Gdzie prowadzisz drugie życie, Justin?
Well, actually, we have a theory on that. It involves you and Justin.
Właściwie to mamy na ten temat teorię wliczającą w to ciebie i Justina.
And Justin is going to be a doctor.
A Justin będzie lekarzem.
You're going to have to get Justin to break on the stand, Izzy.
które będziesz Musieć dać Justin, by złamać się na stojaku, Izzy.
There's nothing left of Justin inside of him now.
Nie ma już nic z Justina w środku jego ciała.
And maybe you should do it too, Justin.
I może ty też powinieneś Justin.
Justin was always there to let her in.
Justin był zawsze w domu, żeby ją wpuścić.
Justin is gone with friends for the weekend.
Justin wyjeżdża z przyjaciółmi na weekend.
I'm production assistant for a man named Justin... who had two hits last season.
Jestem asystentką producenta dla gościa zwanego Justin, który miał dwa hity w zeszłym sezonie.
Justin won't talk, because he needs to prove he's as tough as his buddy.
Justin nie gada, bo chce być twardy jak Richard.
Justin says you operated on his mother, and she died because you messed up.
Justin mówi, że operowałeś jego matkę, i zmarła, bo nawaliłeś.
Well, that idea's terrifying, but Rebecca and Justin are getting married.
To trochę przerażające, ale Rebecca i Justin sie pobierają.
Justin has been under so much pressure lately.
Justin był ostatnio pod wielką presją.
Justin won't have a problem with that,will he?
Justin nie będzie miał z tym problemu, prawda?
My tone-deaf sidekick Justin here will be collecting your information.
Mój głuchy na dźwięki pomocnik Justin zbierze informacje o was.
Only Justin has a pair, which, of course, Tiffany bought for him.
OnIy Justin ma para, którą, oczywiście, Tiffany kupił dla niego.
And here to kick things off, it's Justin Bieber himself live!
I tu kopać rzeczy off, jest to Justin Bieber się żyć!
Justin needed a soldier, he needed someone who had been there,
Justin potrzebował żołnierza, kogoś, kto tam był...
I don't want anything that belonged to Justin.
Nie chcę niczego co należy do Justina.
This guy just invited us to Justin Timberlake's hotel room!
Ten gość właśnie nas zaprosił do hotelu, do pokoju Justina Timberlake!
Is the real Justin Curtis ever going to stand up ?
Czy prawdziwy Justin Curtis kiedykolwiek się postawi?