(Noun) żołnierz; (zwykły) facet;
szary człowiek, szary obywatel
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In response, American fans chanted "USA, USA" and, more inventively, "We don't need a Queen". Vice-President Joe Biden had been into the American dressing room an hour before kick-off to wish the team good luck and Barack Obama had relayed a message to the team.
James Milner, who has consistently appeared in competitive games for Capello, was preferred on the left wing to Joe Cole, who has not. And Emile Heskey, on the back of three Premier League goals last season, was invited to resume as Wayne Rooney's gofer. Capello is a systematic man, not one for whims or popular clamour. What has worked before could work again and should at least be given the opportunity before new designs are ushered in. It may well turn out to be the case that England's most dynamic attacking option is Gerrard playing just behind Rooney but it can wait until either desperation or occasion demands it.
Carlo Ancelotti, the Chelsea manager, has targeted the versatile 30-year-old as a replacement for Joe Cole who, along with Michael Ballack and Juliano Belletti, will be released from Stamford Bridge when his contract expires at the end of the month. Liverpool rejected a Â?4m inquiry from the Premier League champions for Benayoun last month and have not received another official offer since.
The Leadership Centre for Local Government has, with the Improvement and Development Agency, produced a guide and website (socialmedia.21st.cc) for councillors on how to use social media. Joe Simpson, director of politics and partnerships, says the question for councils is how do they move from communicating with their residents to having a conversation.
Joe Worsley, captain for the night, was also a reliable defensive presence but his post-match assessment was as accurate as anyone's. "We're pleased we won but let's not get carried away. If we'd carried on as we played in the first half-hour it would have been a great performance but we didn't." Quite so. This was England's first win in the southern hemisphere for seven years but will not linger long in the memory.
Furthermore, Green appeared nervous in front of the media at open training at the ground yesterday, fumbling two shots from Ray Clemence in one of the early drills. While the youngster, Joe Hart, has been consistently the most impressive of the three goalkeepers in training since the squad first convened in Austria ahead of the tournament, Capello has now opted for the 39-year-old James's know-how in the hope he will provide surety as England attempt to kick-start their World Cup campaign.
I personally think [Joe Cole] and Wayne are the only two in the side who can really open up things and are key to breaking down defences. If he's called on Joe will do a great job.
9.41am: A lot of the Sunday newspapers are calling for Joe Cole to start against Slovenia. In an England side lacking creativity, urgency and goals, surely the former Chelsea player has more to offer the side than Shaun Wright-Phillips? One other change is necessary, following Jamie Carragher's suspension, but what would you change? Where should Gerrard play? And should this have been sorted a long time ago? Kevin McCarra is one of those who believe Cole has something to offer, saying:
The White House said "all options are on the table" after an "angry" Obama summoned McChrystal to Washington to explain quotes in the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine in which the general and his senior aides accuse the US ambassador to Afghanistan of undermining the war, call the president's national security adviser "a joke" and mock Joe Biden, the vice-president. There is also indirect criticism of the president as "uncomfortable and intimidated" by senior military officials.
Plans to build new housing units for Jews in another part of East Jerusalem ignited the row between the US and Israel in March. Binyamin Netanyahu's government was criticised at home and abroad when the announcement by a planning body was made during a visit by Joe Biden, the US vice-president, which made it look like a deliberate act of defiance.
Don't you remember what Joe had done to us before?
Nie pamiętasz co zrobił Joe do nas wcześniej?
Joe, just come to the window and talk to me!
Podejdź do okna i porozmawiajmy.
Yeah, Joe had a system put in not too long ago.
Tak, Joe założył sobie alarm nie tak dawno temu.
And since when does joe get the kids for that long?
I od kiedy Joe zabiera dzieci na tak długo?
Joe used to do it all the time when we were kids.
Joe bez przerwy to robił, gdy byliśmy dziećmi.
Joe, this baby can stay here long as she want to.
Joe, to dziecko może tu zostać, tyle ile chce.
I'll have to leave, we just got more information on Joe.
Muszę już iść, bo miałem tylko kilka informacji na temat Joe.
There's no reason she needs to meet with Joe today.
Nie ma powodu, żeby spotykała się dziś z Joe.
Old Joe'll maybe not have much longer to live, you know?
Stary Joe może nie ma już zbyt wielu dni przed sobą, wiesz?
Joe, you're not writing down what I just said are you?
Joe, ty nie zapisujesz tego, co ja właśnie mówię?
So why don't we take a little break, get a cup of joe?
Tak, dlaczego nie bierzemy małego stłucz się, dostań filiżankę joe?
Joe, you're exactly the kind of man we need at our company.
Joe, właśnie takich ludzi, jak ty potrzebujemy w naszej firmie.
Joe, there was some talk around here I think you should know about.
Joe... - Trochę tu rozmawialiśmy i powinieneś wiedzieć...
Come on Joe, you've got to hit him one time!
Chodź Joe, masz uderzyć go raz.
My mother and joe worked so hard to make this day perfect.
Matka i Jill ciężko pracowały by ten dzień był idealny.
I've been thinking about you, Joe, for the last five years.
Myślałem o tobie, Joe, przez ostatnie 5 lat.
He's a old Joe that lived around here for a long time.
Stary koleś. żył tu przez długi czas.
I want you there, Joe, from the first point to the last.
Chcę, żebyś to napisał, od pierwszego punktu do ostatniego.
I'm going to show you who the real king is, Joe.
Pokażę ci, kto jest prawdziwym królem, Joe.
But the best of all was in the boat, here, with Joe.
Ale najlepsze było tutaj, w tej szalupie z Joe.
So what you need to do, Joe, is stay home tomorrow.
Chcę Cię prosić joe, żebyś jutro został w domu.
The guys who did Joe will be at this place tomorrow.
Kolesie, którzy załatwili Joe będą jutro pod tym adresem.
You'd better telephone Joe and ask him to come over.
Lepiej zadzwonię do Joe i poproszę aby przyjechał.
You've got to show her that you're not like Joe.
Pokaż, że nie jesteś jak Joe. - Chwila...
That may have been our best and last chance of this Joe character.
To mogła być najlepsza szansa zidentyfikowania tego Joe.
Joe and I used to argue about it all the time.
Joe i ja ciągle się o to kłóciliśmy.
He talked to me for free as a favor to Joe.
Porozmawia ze mną za darmo, jako przysługa dla Joe.
This thing is bigger than the both of us, Joe.
Ta rzecz jest większa od nas obu, Joe.
Joe would like you to join him for dinner tonight.
Chce, żebyś zjadła z nim dziś kolację.
Joe, what happened there in the boat with this guy?
Joe, co się naprawdę wydarzyło na łodzi z tym facetem?
Joe, that might work with other people, but you forget.
Joe, to może działać na innych ludzi, ale nie zapominaj.
Old Joe was admitted to the hospital same day you were.
Stary Joe został przywieziony do szpitala w tym samym dniu, co ty.
I bet Joe more would not want to be in my movie.
Założę się, że Joe nie będzie już chciał robić ze mną filmów.
But you're the only one who bought drugs from their son, Joe, right?
Ale ty jesteś jedynym, który kupował narkotyki od ich syna, Joego, prawda?
Yeah, well, I really don't think we have time for a hand job,joe.
Tak, no cóż, naprawdę nie sądzę żebyśmy mieli czas na robótki ręczne, Joe.
All right, Joe, can you handle a little more weight?
Dobrze Joe, poradzisz sobie z większym ciężarem?
We don't have a title yet, but what does Joe like?
Jeszcze nie ma tytułu, ale co proponuje Joe?
Joe, we suggest she free some other type of animal.
Joe, sugerujemy, żeby uwolniła jakieś inne zwierzę.
Joe, I know a girl who works for some rich producer.
Joe, znam dziewczynę, która pracuje dla jakiegoś bogatego producenta.
Lucas doesn't have any money, and Joe let him close the store last night.
Lucas nie ma pieniędzy a Joe pozwolił mu wczoraj zamknąć sklep.
No wonder you always kept asking me about Joe all this while.
Nic dziwnego, zawsze pytała Joe mi o cały ten czas.
With your help, it's possible that we could stop Joe's activity!
Z Twoją pomocą możemy obniżyć wszystkich działań niesfornych Joe's.
I had this nightmare where Joe was looking up at me.
Dręczy mnie koszmar, W którym Joe patrzy na mnie i chce mi coś powiedzieć,
There are very few men who really appreciate the female figure like Joe.
Tam jest bardzo mało mężczyznami, którzy naprawdę doceniają żeńską cyfrę jak Joe.
Is that what you want your legacy to be, Joe?
Właśnie taka ma być twoja spuścizna, Joe?
Joe Green has got access to him - he's a prison doctor.
Joe Green ma do niego dostęp, bo jest więziennym lekarzem.
Joe Harper was one of the first guys with this union.
Joe Harper był jednym z pierwszych w tym związku.
Joe, are you sure this hot information of yours can't wait?
Joe, jesteś pewny tej "gorącej informacji", jednej z tych twoich, co nie mogą czekać?
But him and Joe almost came to blows over it.
Ale on i Joe prawie się o to pozabijali.
Joe, I do not recall asking to be your leader.
Joe, nie przypominam sobie, żebym was prosił o bycie liderem.