(Adverb) wielce, mocno; karygodnie; ohydnie, obleśnie, ordynarnie; grubiańsko; całkowicie; grubo; rażąco;
grossly overweight person - osoba z dużą nadwagą;
grossly underpaid - biznes bardzo źle opłacany;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Martin Khor, director of the Geneva-based South Centre, an international think tank for developing countries, said the text was a step backwards. He said that the rich countries' 80-95% proposed cut would lock in a "grossly unfair" carbon budget, effectively blocking out the carbon space of developing countries.Benton's revelations will pile even more pressure on BP, at a time when its minority party in the leaking well is refusing to pay its share of the costs. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation argues that BP was "grossly negligent" or guilty of "willful misconduct" in the way it drilled the Macondo prospect, which some workers described as a "nightmare well". Last week the Congressional committee accused BP of taking "risky" decisions to save time and money.There were the occasional hints that she might end up doing something like this. In the early Treasure-writing days, I reported on one of our Christmas shopping trips. We were battling our way along the hell of Oxford Street, usually Treasure's favourite place to be, when she spotted an elderly beggar outside Selfridges. He looked very like her Grandpa, but an older, raggedy version. He was holding a few boxes of matches in his trembly fingers and looked utterly wretched. Treasure gave him all her remaining pocket money, but her outing was ruined. She had suddenly realised that the world was grossly unfair. We pressed on into Marks & Spencer, but all she could see was capitalist greed.The charge list against him is long enough for a judge to send Labour to a dark cell for years. It would have been grossly negligent for any government to boast that its "light-touch" regulation had "abolished boom and bust", while failing to notice that it was helping push the banking system towards the edge of a cliff. For a Labour government to set aside social democracy's well-merited suspicion of finance capital was truly criminal. The Conservatives and Liberals can now use Brown's failure as a plausible justification for spending cuts and tax rises. The party he left behind is torn by fratricidal strife â?? real fratricidal strife in the case of the Miliband family.The early virtual worlds, most of which have been grossly underperforming for their investors, according to Nic Mitham at KZero, found it difficult to establish their virtual brands in real life. Mitham now sees two trends. First, virtual worlds are changing from levying monthly subscriptions to charging small amounts for virtual goods, a practice made popular by FarmVille. The second driver, he says, is brands creating their own virtual worlds to sell their products. Virtual goods that carry real-life brands, Mitham says, have 10 times the buying power of virtual brands.I ask Jessen whether this patient's referral was a difficult decision. "It's a hugely controversial subject, but she was having dreams about cutting off her labia. To me, that justifies the treatment â?? she was grossly psychologically disturbed." Is he concerned that with this decision he might encourage female viewers to seek surgery when there's no medical problem? He sighs. "It's our job to show all available treatment. And if it creates a forum for girls to talk about their bodiesâ?? We try our best â?? there's no malice in what we do."The Deepwater Horizon disaster has already cost BP more than Â?5bn in clean-up costs and compensation claims, as well as the expense of its various efforts to cap the well. It has set aside Â?20bn to meet these costs, and its potential liabilities could be even higher in the event that prosecutors could prove that the company was grossly negligent in the run-up to the explosion.Lord Oakeshott, the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, described the figures as shocking. "This rising torrent of tax bad debt in good times and bad is a shocking indictment of management failure at HMRC and grossly unfair to honest taxpayers," he said. "HMRC landed every family in Britain with an extra Â?400 on their tax bill last year because they couldn't collect the tax that defaulters owed.""Peter Mandelson, who is supporting David Miliband, grossly underestimates the scale of what needs to be done," the source said. "He is wrong if he thinks it is all down to the manifesto."It would be grossly unfair to suggest that opera singers spend their free time lounging on chaises longues being spoonfed foie gras. When there are no witnesses, many of them probably run marathons or something. Still, Ian Storey must be more active than most; as a young man, he played badminton and squash at county level and above. Now aged 52, he relaxes by laying bricks or swinging a sledgehammer. Having built a home for his family in the Herefordshire countryside, he's planning to bulldoze it and start over. "I normally have a building project on the go," he says.
All of which seems to me to be grossly unjust.
A to ani na jotę nie wydaje mi się sprawiedliwe.
No other European citizens have ever had their right of free movement so grossly violated.
Jeszcze nigdy w tak rażący sposób nie naruszono prawa obywatela europejskiego do swobodnego przemieszczania się.
This is a grossly unfair situation, and it must meet with universal opposition.
To sytuacja głęboko niesprawiedliwa i musi ona budzić powszechny sprzeciw.
The claims of direct threats to Europe's food supply are grossly exaggerated.
Twierdzenia o bezpośrednim zagrożeniu dla europejskiego łańcucha dostaw żywności są poważnie przesadzone.
It was inevitable you would eventually grow tired of being so grossly overmatched.
To było nieuniknione że ostatecznie zmęczysz się będąc tak znacznie przewyższona.
As usual, my son grossly exaggerates the issue.
Jak zwykle, mój syn przesadza troszkę.
I was gonna tell you this morning, but you looked so grossly happy.
Chciałam ci to powiedzieć rano, ale wyglądałaś na tak obrzydliwie szczęśliwą.
The management instruments have proved to be inadequate and in the past they have been grossly transgressed.
Instrumenty zarządzania okazały się nieadekwatne, a w przeszłości reguły w rażący sposób naruszano.
No, that's impossible, and also grossly sentimental and over simplistic,
Nie, to niemożliwe. Na dodatek okropnie sentymentalne i mocno uproszczone.
I promoted him because John Fryer was grossly inefficient.
Tak. Bo John Fryer nie radził sobie i był tchórzliwy.
The proposed system is misleading and would grossly contradict the aim of the sustainable use of pesticides.
Proponowany system jest mylący i byłby wyraźnym zaprzeczeniem celu zakładającego zrównoważone stosowanie pestycydów.
Megamind's head is not that grossly exagarated.
Głowa Megaumysłu nie jest tak okropnie wielka.
But they're saying you're grossly incompetent.
Powiedzieli, że jesteś bardzo niekompetentna.
Secondly, it grossly interferes in people's personal lives, as pointed out by Edit Bauer.
Po drugie, jak wskazała pani poseł Edit Bauer, poważnie ingeruje w życie osobiste ludzi.
Our service isn't grossly incompetent.
Nasza obsługa nie jest rażąco niekompetentna.
Madam President, this final proposal on seal hunting is wholly unacceptable as it grossly interferes with other countries' affairs.
Pani przewodnicząca! Wniosek w swym ostatecznym kształcie jest nie do przyjęcia, ponieważ rażąco ingeruje w sprawy innych państw.
Thirdly, last but not least, genuine democracy cannot be achieved if half of the population - women - are grossly underrepresented in national and local politics.
Po trzecie i na koniec, nie da się zapewnić prawdziwej demokracji, jeżeli połowa społeczeństwa, a mianowicie kobiety, mają tak rażąco małą reprezentację w polityce na szczeblu krajowym i lokalnym.
I believe in the EU we grossly miscalculated in over-indulging biofuels.
Uważam, że bardzo się przeliczyliśmy w UE ulegając za bardzo biopaliwom.
The Iranian people deserve much better than to suffer the barbarism of blinkered political or religious fanaticism imposed by severely short-sighted and grossly cruel leaders.
Naród irański zasługuje na o wiele więcej niż na znoszenie barbarzyńskiego traktowania z powodu ślepego politycznego lub religijnego fanatyzmu narzuconego przez wyjątkowo krótkowzrocznych i okrutnych przywódców.
It is therefore grossly unfair to expose European producers and consumers to a product which simply does not conform to the same standards as we are expected to achieve.
A zatem rażącą niesprawiedliwością jest narażanie europejskich producentów i konsumentów na produkty nieodpowiadające takim samym normom, jakich spełnienia od nas się oczekuje.
That is, too few barriers against products from emerging countries such as China, with its low wage rates, grossly undervalued currency and its artificially impoverished home market.
Stawiamy za mało przeszkód dla napływu produktów z krajów wschodzących takich jak Chiny z ich niskimi płacami, drastycznie niedowartościowaną walutą i sztucznie zubożonym rynkiem wewnętrznym.
The same piece of legislation makes it a crime to publicly condone, deny or grossly trivialise crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
W tym samym akcie prawnym za nielegalne uznano publiczne popieranie, zaprzeczanie lub trywializowanie w rażący sposób zbrodni ludobójstwa, zbrodni przeciw ludzkości oraz zbrodni wojennych.
Many people would feel that is grossly underestimated at the moment and organised criminal gangs are infiltrating huge numbers of countries, if not all countries, in the European Union.
Wiele osób uważa, że poziom ten jest obecnie znacznie zaniżony, a zorganizowane grupy przestępcze infiltrują wiele, jeśli nie wszystkie kraje Unii Europejskiej.
I have to also say that it is grossly insensitive of the Commission to make this ludicrous and expensive proposal for unnecessary cultural attachés at a time of universal economic hardship.
Muszę powiedzieć, że Komisja wykazała się ogromnym brakiem wrażliwości, przedstawiając ten niedorzeczny i kosztowny wniosek w sprawie zbędnego stanowiska w okresie ogólnych trudności gospodarczych.
Sadly, the absolutist culture of human rights in the EU and the political cowardice of many of its senior politicians have obliged the United States to assume a grossly disproportionate responsibility for tackling a threat that knows no boundaries.
Zasmucające jest to, że absolutystyczna kultura praw człowieka w UE oraz tchórzostwo wielu wysokiej rangi unijnych polityków zmusiły Stany Zjednoczone do przyjęcia na siebie nieproporcjonalnej odpowiedzialności za zażegnania zagrożenia, które nie zna granic.
in writing. - This legislation represents another example of how the EU is targeting the car industry and the way in which the EU usually seeks to impose grossly disproportionate legislation to resolve a relatively minor problem.
na piśmie. - Przedmiotowe prawodawstwo stanowi kolejny przykład tego, jak UE atakuje przemysł samochodowy i sposobu, w jaki zwykle stara się narzucić rażąco niewspółmierne prawodawstwo w celu rozwiązania stosunkowo niewielkiego problemu.
At first sight and in theory, this may appear proper, but in practice it is grossly unfair to small companies and clearly defeats the purpose of having this piece of legislation in the first place, which is of course to help the micro-enterprises.
Na pierwszy rzut oka oraz w teorii może wydawać się to słuszne, ale w praktyce jest to bardzo nie w porządku w stosunku do małych przedsiębiorstw; wyraźnie zwalcza to też cel, jakim jest przede wszystkim pomoc mikroprzedsiębiorstwom.
There is of course little legislation in the field of external relations, as we all know, but there is all the more work to be done for that and I find that what has been written on the subject, with a couple of exceptions, is in fact grossly inadequate.
W obszarze relacji zewnętrznych istnieje oczywiście niewielka ilość prawodawstwa; jest jeszcze wiele do zrobienia, a to, co zostało na ten temat napisane jest, z kilkoma wyjątkami, wysoce nieodpowiednie.