(Adjective) przyjacielski, łagodny, pogodny, dobroduszny;
dobroduszny, uprzejmy, zgodny
adj. dobrotliwy
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It was all good-natured.
Miał dobre intencje.
These sentiments will hardly tarnish his good-natured image, or dissuade US journalists from constantly prefacing his name with "the beloved".
It was fairly edgy, near-the-knuckle stuff, which the good-natured subjects of their mockery, along with Dunphy and Frank Stapleton, at least pretended to take in their stride.
The demonstrations remained good-natured and peaceful with many of those out shopping fairly sympathetic.
"Would the world really be better off if we were to hide from ourselves the fact that teenagers waste a lot of time trying to either flirt with each other or to crack each other up? Like, to whom was this a mystery, prior to the launch of Facebook?" He grins in good-natured amazement.
I want a loving and good-natured woman for my son.
Chcę kochającej kobiety o dobrej naturze dla mojego syna.
A powerful support for us. Not a good-natured scarecrow.
To dla nas potężny sojusznik, a nie dobrotliwy strach na wróble.
Henry's a good-natured fellow, and he will inherit very pretty property at Winthrop.
Henry jest dobrym człowiekiem, i odziedziczy całkiem spory majątek w Winthrop.
And don't forget our good-natured inebriate over here.
I nie zapomnij o naszym dobrodusznym pijaku.
He's just a big, good-natured bag of muscles.
T o tylko duży i dobroduszny worek mięśni.
We tanuki are basically good-natured, gullible, and too obliging.
My, tanuki, jesteśmy z natury zbyt naiwni i uprzejmi.
They're both very good-natured, unaffected girls, indeed.
Obie są bardzo dobroduszne i naturalne.
Gentle, lovely sense of humour. Patient, good-natured.
Delikatny, ze wspaniałym poczuciem humoru. cierpliwy, dobroduszny.
I'm just a big, good-natured slob.
Jestem tylko dużym, dobrodusznym flejtuchem.
He's so good-looking, he's good-natured, he has his ovvn business...
Jest taki przystojny i uprzejmy, ma też swój biznes...