(Adjective) wielkanocny;
(Noun) religia Wielkanoc, Święta Wielkanocne;
over easter - w czasie świąt Wielkiejnocy;
easter candle - świeca paschalna;
easter sunday - (Noun) Niedziela Wielkanocna, Wielka Niedziela;
at easter - na Wielkanoc, w święta wielkanocne;
easter bunny - czekoladowy zajączek wielkanocny;
easter monday - (Noun) Poniedziałek Wielkanocny, lany poniedziałek, śmigus-dyngus;
happy easter - Wesołych Świąt, Wesołego Alleluja;
easter egg - pisanka; czekoladowe jajo wielkanocne; informatyka ukryty obrazek|tekst/ukryta aplikacja, czasem ujawniający/ujawniająca się po wpisaniu jakiejś komendy w programie, stanowiący żart ze strony autorów programu;
n C Wielkanoc
(attrib) wielkanocny
at ~wWielkanoc
~ Day/Sunday Niedziela Wielkanocna
Wielkanoc, wielkanocny
s Wielkanoc
n rel. Wielkanoc
Easter egg - pisanka
chrz. Wielkanoc
święto świąt
święto nad świętami
Wielkanoc f
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
She's the leading archaeologist working Easter Island today.
Ona jest głównym archeologiem pracującym obecnie na Wyspie Wielkanocnej.
A cautionary example on a small scale is the Easter Islands.
Przykładem ostrzegawczym na małą skalę są Wyspy Wielkanocne.
And we also found this spectacular yeti crab that lives near boiling hot hydrothermal vents at Easter Island.
Odkryliśmy również tego niesamowitego kraba yeti wśród gorących kominów hydrotermalnych koło Wyspy Wielkanocnej.
While I was in Easter Island, comet McNaught was there also, so you get a gratuitous picture of a moai with a comet.
Gdy byłem na Wyspie Wielkanocnej, kometa NcNaught także tam była, więc, mamy gratisowe zdjęcie moai z kometą.
Were the people that we heard about yesterday, on the Easter Island, who cut down their last tree -- were they stupid?
Mieszkańcy Wysp Wielkanocnej, o których słyszeliśmy wczoraj, którzy wycieli wszystkie drzewa - czy byli głupcami?
Baylee Almon had a smile like a spring daisy, and before she and the 167 others were killed by the ensuing explosion, this city of the plain was wrapped in glorious pear blossom, as it is this Eastertide, time of Resurrection in this deeply religious city, and of birth on the land beyond. In 1995, 19 April followed Easter Sunday by three days. But that smiling infant was not the child the world came to know â?? it was the baby cradled in a fireman's arms, lifeless, in what emerged as the enduring image of the attack. "That photo took on its own life," says Almon-Kok in her official video-recording at the memorial, "which was horrible for me, because after a while I couldn't ever remember Baylee being alive." Now, says Almon-Kok, "we tried to get a handle on it in the courts, get it off of T-shirts and things, but we were turned down because the judge said Baylee was not a public figure before the attack" â?? thereby not protected by privacy laws. "If she'd been Michael Jordan, we'd have been OK," says her husband, Stan Kok. "That is not my child, in the picture," insists Almon-Kok. "My child was a beautiful little girl who loved to play."Involved from the beginning was Florence Rogers, chief executive officer at the Federal Employees Credit Union, a co-operative banking system. That morning, in preparation for an audit of her bank, she called a meeting for 8.30 in her office on the third floor. "I remember to this very day a girl called Claudette Meek saying: 'Look at all the primary colours we're wearing today, we look like a basket of Easter eggs.' So I remembered what they were wearing, and had no idea how important that would be when it came to indentifying the bodies." One of which was that of Claudette Meek. At 9.01, says Rogers, "I had just read an item off the list and turned â?? and bang â?? I could see clearly through the far wall. The floor had gone clean away, down into what we called the pit, leaving me alone on 18in of floor that had held. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought 'Oh my God, this is like a bad movie, and when it's all over, I get out of here.'""One purpose of this memorial," says Kari Watkins, "is to teach the impact of violence. On Easter Monday, our biggest effort this year becomes law, against considerable opposition: that the story of the bomb be entered into the school curriculum for the state of Oklahoma. We need to teach this story, especially right now, when in America there are a lot of the same movements that were around in 1995, there's a similar mood, a polarisation. Look, no one wants the government on their backs â?? who does? - but all this alarms me, and we must work against it by teaching the consequences of violence against the language of violence."But Shontayne Hape's debut was far from a conspicuous triumph and Nick Easter looked worryingly sluggish. Johnson and Lewis Moody both insisted beforehand this was the strongest England squad to head south in ages. For the second successive game on this tour it did not look like it.So we play out this charade of happy families and most of the time life trundles along much as before, more or less happily. We spent Christmas and Easter together, with his parents. We have one family meal or outing a week. We are even going on a family holiday this summer, the first in four years.Lumix World Golf: Travel the world, see the sights ... play crazy golf. Negotiate courses based around Easter Island, Sydney harbour, and the Big Apple, among others, all with just your putter and a keen appreciation of angles.P45 rating: ****In some ways, middle-class life has changed for the better, the authors acknowledge: more consumer pleasures, widening opportunities for women, rocketing salaries for some professionals, rewarding new career paths for the self-motivated and nimble, for people such as Ogden-Newton. In the inner London borough where I live, which is increasingly full of middle-class people like me, earning unspectacular salaries by London standards, the Icelandic ash cloud this spring left local schools half-emptied of teachers and pupils. Despite the recent financial crisis and recession, spending the Easter holidays abroad â?? something only very rich people did in my childhood â?? was apparently still quite normal. Yet is this modern, free-spending version of the middle-class Good Life sustainable? The sociologist Richard Sennett, quoted by Gunn and Bell, thinks not: "The crisis of the middle class," he warns, "is just beginning."Then friends who loved bullfighting assured me that I was a fool and had made a mistake. Going to a bullfight in Barcelona was, I was told, like listening to Irish traditional music in a London wine bar. I would have to go south for the real thing. Since I was writing a book about Catholic Europe, I found myself in Seville during Easter week. The city is beautiful, I loved the bars and I was intrigued by the zeal with which people carted their statues of the virgin around the streets. I enjoyed the resurrection, as far as I remember, and then on Easter Sunday I went to a bullfight.I felt the same revulsion, the same hatred for the crowd, but this time it wasn't so simple. The religious ceremonies and the bullfight in Seville that Easter seemed to belong to an intact culture, one that I could not fully penetrate, but which everyone in the city took for granted, knew and loved. There was no point in telling people in Seville that you didn't like bullfighting, they would merely shrug and tell you that you didn't understand it and maybe you should think of going back home.BeaverLasVegas objected that Hadley would do better to look within herself: "The key is in not having massively high expectations. If you have a week somewhere different, chilling out with people you basically like, and as long as no one gets really sick or you get robbed or attacked, how bad can it be?" And how best to ratchet down those expectations? "What Hadley needs is 20 years of British Holiday Experiences," suggested Pairubu, starting with Easter in Skegness. "A Spanish building site will look quite attractive in comparison."
He said something about going to your house for Easter.
Mówił, że idzie do pani domu na Wielkanoc.
Whatever our man is up to will happen on Easter eve.
Co by tam nie zamierzał nasz człowiek, to będzie to miało miejsce na Wielkanoc.
I mean, didn't you want to give him a happy Easter, too?
Znaczy, nie chciałeś dać mu tego, również?
Easter Island, one of the most remote places in the world.
Wyspa Wielkanocna, najbardziej odległe miejsce na świecie.
He was at an Easter egg hunt the other day.
Innego dnia był na wielkanocnej zabawie.
In the picture of the Easter party, with the cake on her nose?
Na zdjęciu z przyjęcia wielkanocnego. Miała ciasto na nosie.
I'm having at you, and your performance will look like an Easter pageant.
Dobieram się teraz do ciebie, i twoje przedstawienie będzie tak okazałe jak parada wielkanocna.
They'd be delighted if we stayed with them at Easter.
Byliby zachwyceni, gdybyśmy zostali z nimi na Wielkanoc.
From a boy who hated Easter because he had to find eggs.
Nie cierpiałeś Wielkanocy, bo musiałeś znaleźć jajka!
And there was this picture of her painting Easter eggs.
No. I było tam zdjęcie, jak maluje jajka wielkanocne.
It is not Easter itself, but the week before.
To nie jest Wielkanoc jako taka, tylko tydzień przed nią.
Well, maybe you could do something for next Easter.
Cóż, być może mógłbyś zrobić coś do następnej Wielkanocy.
What do you think you'll be doing next Easter?
Jak myślisz, co będziesz robić w następne święta wielkanocne?
If we had Easter again, we could make everyone happy!
Jeśli będziemy mieć znowu Święta, każdy będzie szczęśliwy!
Now can anyone tell me why is Easter important?
A teraz, kto mi powie dlaczego Wielkanoc jest taka ważna?
Yeah, so will the Easter bunny, and my next birthday!
Tak, więc będzie Wielkanocny króliczek na moje następne urodziny!
Didn't take you for a man who goes for the big girls, Easter.
Prawdziwy mężczyzna nie powinien sobie ułatwiać startując do dużych dziewczynek, Easter.
On Easter Day he went for along walk in the rain.
W Niedzielę Wielkanocną wybrał się na długi spacer w deszczu.
Does this mean you won't be coming over for Christmas or Easter?
Czy to znaczy, że nie przyjedziesz do mnie na Boże Narodzenie czy Wielkanoc?
But don't you worry, I will take care of Easter.
Ale nie martw się, Zajmę się Wielkanocą.
Nicholas Easter, our song and dance man, has an agenda.
Nicholas Easter, nasz bawidamek, ma jakiś cel.
They say whoever dies during Easter goes straight to heaven.
Powiadają, że ktokolwiek umrze w Wielkanoc, pójdzie prosto do Nieba.
Nobody wants to put people in jail at Easter.
Nikt nie chce wsadzac ludzi do pudla na Wielkanoc.
Are you sure she didn't wear one, maybe at Christmas or Easter?
Pewien jesteś, że go czasem nie ubierała, na Gwiazdkę albo na Wielkanoc?
Anna recalls a long, coherent dream which troubled her at Easter.
Anna przywołuje długi, spójny sen, który męczył ją na Wielkanoc.
You'il have to give him something else for Easter.
Będziesz musiała dać mu coś innego w Święta Wielkanocne
Maybe the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are still alive too.
Może Królik Wielkanocny i Zębowa Wróżka, też wciąż żyją.
Maybe at Easter time I could stage an egg hunt.
Może na Wielkanoc zorganizuję polowanie na jajka?
The athletic association shot us over to play Oxford during Easter.
Związek atletyczny zamierza się zrewanżować z nami, grając z Oxfordem podczas Wielkanocy.
We are not canceling our easter egg hunt because of some wild story!
Nie odwołamy polowania na pisanki z powodu szalonej historyjki!
A cautionary example on a small scale is the Easter Islands.
Przykładem ostrzegawczym na małą skalę są Wyspy Wielkanocne.
But there’s been one major change over Easter.
Ale przez Święta zaszła jedna poważna zmiana.
You know, like, soft music, maybe a soft little baby duck on Easter morning.
No wiesz, jak, delikatna muzyka, może mała delikatna kaczuszka w Wielkanocny poranek.
Perhaps you'il remember last Easter, when we all heard that cantata at your church.
Pamiętacie, jak w Wielkanoc poszliśmy do kościoła, w którym słuchaliśmy kantaty.
My friends, let this Easter Day be for us, too, a rebirth.
Niech ten dzień będzie odrodzeniem dla nas wszystkich.
This is the week directly before the Orthodox Easter.
To jest tydzień bezpośrednio poprzedzający prawosławną Wielkanoc.
I want my geese to lay gold eggs for Easter
Chcę, żeby mi znosiły złote jaja na Wielkanoc.
I'd like to get home sometime before Easter.
Chciałabym dotrzeć do domu przed Wielkanocą.
If one little kid can ruin Easter, then we're in worse shape than I thought.
Jeśli jeden dzieciak może zrujnować Wielkanoc... Jesteśmy w gorszej formie niż myślałem.
You know, I thought we would look like Easter Eggs.
Wie pan, myślałem, że będziemy wyglądać jak jajka wielkanocne.
Last week, Susan dropped in with 1 2 people from Easter City.
W zeszłym tygodniu Susan ściągnęła 12 osób z Easter City.
If you want your coke, meet me three klicks due south of Easter Point.
Jak chcesz swoją kokę, to spotkamy się trzy działki na południe.
He wants me to come to Southampton for Easter.
Zaprasza mnie do Southampton na Wielkanoc.
Every time you say Easter baskets, I hear pizza.
Za każdym razem jak mówisz Koszyczek wielkanocny, słyszę Pizza.
Every year New York held an Easter day parade to which thousands came.
Co roku w Nowym Jorku odbywała się parada, na którą przybywano tysiącami.
And then you'll have your Easter egg hunt?
I wtedy będziecie mieć swoje polowanie na jajka?
One out of four Norwegians spends Easter in the mountains.
Jeden z czterech Norwegów spędzi Wielkanoc w górach.
Not as bad as what they're doing to the Easter Bunny.
Nie aż tak, jak krzywdzą króliczka wielkanocnego.
You don't want to be the Easter Bunny, right?
Nie chcesz być Zajączkiem Wielkanocnym, prawda?
Like, the one you made at Easter.
To, które robiłaś na Wielkanoc.