(Adjective) przygarbiony; zwiędły, opadający, zwisający;
drooping spirits - słabnący duch, słabnące chęci;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
He stares at me for several seconds, his tired eyes drooping at the corners, the flesh on his cheeks sagging with age. He looks exhausted. How would he like history to remember him? Jackson blinks. "I'm going to serve to the end," he says, his voice edged with weariness. The interview is over. Jackson pushes himself up from the chair, exhaling heavily. The entourage starts unplugging laptops and gathering up files of paper. My microphone is removed. Jackson is ushered into another room for a radio interview, and just before the door closes I catch a final glimpse of a solitary figure in a dark suit, his shoulders erect, his head held high, forever the unfinished hero.
The baths were forced to close soon after the election when the old boiler packed up and bits of roof started drooping into one of the pools.
The latest sales figures for the quarter to June showed 9m sold â?? the lowest quarterly number since 2006. In short, the iPod, launched in October 2001, looks to be in terminal decline. While Apple is unworried â?? sales of its iPhone and iPad are booming â?? the drooping figures for the digital music player market are a concern for another sector: the music companies.
At which point, perhaps, it's time to look at the flipside of Chisholm's findings. If the name of one game is frequency and loyalty â?? via investment, innovation, constant linkages and promotions â?? might that not also be an answer to drooping print sales as well? If you reject the net as an agent of newsprint doom, then reverse scenarios also apply.
Is it my imagination, or is my left one drooping down even more today?
Czy to tylko moja wyobraźnia, czy mój lewy opadł dziś trochę bardziej?
Uh, maybe one is drooping a little bit, but, you know, she's tired, so-
Um, może jedna lekko opada ale wie pan ona jest zmęczona więc...
What if his earlobes were just drooping?
Co jeśli małżowiny tylko zwisały?
and Huck, a ruin of drooping rags,
and Huck, a ruin of drooping rags,