~ anchor - wleczenie kotwicy
~ behind - wleczenie się
~ bottom material - wleczenie materiału
trałowanie n, połów włokiem
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Four Afghan soldiers began dragging his body through the dried leaves and branches, and Raeon, a fellow scout, lost it on them, me, the world. He shoved the Afghans aside and lofted Rougle up over his shoulder, fireman-style, drenching his back in Rougle's insides. I turned away. My tape recorder stopped working, and I was forced to take notes. The job is the only thing that saves you.
Next, a stout, grey-white stone; it's the colour (and shape) of old-fashioned underwear. This marks the resting place of Monica, who died in 2001, having lived on without Larkin, in his ugly modern house, with his tweed jacket still hanging over the back of a chair, for 16 long, miserable, drunken years. Hartley told me that after Monica's death it was left to Maeve to make sure Monica got this stone; she had no family, and a solicitor who seemed to be dragging his feet.
I was thankful for my small stature on several occasions. The aforementioned Torture Tunnels were agony for the legions of large, muscular men dragging themselves on their bellies through a very confined space, but relatively easy for anyone who could fit through on their hands and knees (I even managed to avoid the electric shocks). Ditto the crawls through tyres and under barbed wire.
On the print media front I had about 100ft of fiction, much of it unread; 18ft of poetry, which improves my soul; 6ft of books about stone circles; 12ft of folklore, religion and the occult, and 3ft of the forgotten Welsh mystic Arthur Machen. I've got 10ft of inky specialist music fanzines from the 80s and 90s Bucketful of Brains and No Depression that I needed for journalistic fact checking before Wikipedia. And I'm dragging probably 70ft of comics, which I am now saving for my son, who will come to despise them, and me for loving them.
China and India, the world's two largest emerging economies, have proven far more resilient to the global recession than many developed economies. Europe has struggled to haul itself back from recession, while in the US, one in four homes are suffering from negative equity and the faltering housing market risks dragging the world's biggest economy back into a double dip.
This conviction remained more or less unshaken until I was within touching distance of my 30th birthday. Our record label was dragging its feet about recording another album, and frankly, who could blame them? Our earlier releases had barely turned a profit, and over the previous 12 months we'd only managed to cobble together three or four new compositions, each one weirder than the one before. The final nail in the coffin came when our keyboard player â?? one of the few real musicians among us â?? announced that she was leaving the band to strike out on her own. It took about five seconds for me to appreciate that this meant the end of my musical career.
"Over the past few years," Carr wrote, "I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. My mind isn't going â?? so far as I can tell â?? but it's changing. I'm not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I'm reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument and I'd spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That's rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle."
The Daily Mirror has a poll that contrasts with the one in the Guardian this morning. It found 57% of people believe the coalition government is dragging the UK into a double-dip recession. It recorded Lib Dem support at 15%, with Labour at 33% and the Tories on 39%, figures the Mirror describes as a "disaster" for Clegg.
WICKET! Hameed c Swann b Anderson (1st over: Pakistan 5-1) Anderson opens the attack, bowling around the wicket and trying to take the ball away from the left-hander. No such luck. His second delivery is too wide, and Farhat collars it with a cut shot for four. He pats a single to leg and Hameed comes on strike. Not for long. He pokes at his first ball and it spurts off the edge to Swann at slip. A golden duck. He fluffs his first grab at the catch, but clings on to his next, just before the ball touches the turf. That's some start for England then, and already the heat is being tunred up on Pakistan. Butt is in, and the first ball he faces is angled in and hits him on the knee pad, England appeal, seemingly dragging the whole ground up in chorus with them. But the ball hit tioo high and Butt survives.
Next month a new British film, SoulBoy, starring Martin Compston, Alfie Allen and Felicity Jones opens. Directed by Shimmy Marcus, the film (set in 1974) is your everyday story of boy meeting girl and girl dragging boy into northern soul culture. It's a warm picture, fuelled by a fantastic soundtrack and some nice performances. Unfortunately, it's ruined by a very silly ending. Still, there's always photographer Elaine Constantine's debut feature film, Northern Soul, out in 2011, to look forward to. Constantine's deep knowledge of the scene promises to make it a major statement. Certainly, there's a sizable audience already in place for such celluloid offerings.
I don't like dragging someone down just to win a game.
Nie lubię upokarzać kogoś tylko po to, by wygrać partię.
I was the one who walked five miles every day, dragging food back here.
To ja byłem tym, kto przynosił tu każdego dnia przez 8 kilometrów.
It took me half the night dragging him out of there.
Wyciągnięcie go z tamtej dziury zajęło mi pół nocy.
I expect you to do what's right without dragging me into it.
Oczekuje, że dowiecie się prawdy bez wciągania w to mnie.
Why are you dragging me back to the art gallery?
Dlaczego ciągniesz mnie z powrotem go galerii?
Dragging me by the nose as if I was a dog.
Ciągniesz mnie za nos, jakbym był psem.
I firmly believe that we must stop dragging our feet.
Stanowczo twierdzę, że musimy przestać odwlekać rozwiązanie tej sprawy.
And now he's dragging us all off to a house beyond the sunset.
A teraz wlecze nas wszystkich do jakiegoś domu, dalej, niż słońce zachodzi.
You'd better have a good reason for dragging us down here, Harold.
Czaruś. Lepiej żebyś miał dobry powód na ściągnięcie nas tu, Harold.
He's been dragging behind us in this damn heat for days!
Długo już nie pociągnie, lezie za nami w tym upale kilka dni.
I am so sorry for dragging you into this mess.
Przykro mi, że wplątałam cię w ten cały bałagan.
But dragging the girl back up there won't change the fact that she's miserable.
Ale zaciągnięcie jej tam z powrotem nie zmieni faktu, że jest nieszczęśliwa.
You're too dumb to save yourself, no sense dragging her down with you.
Jeśli jesteś za głupi, żeby ratować siebie, nie wciągaj przynajmniej jej.
How long before something terrible happens, and we are dragging bodies out?
Ile, zanim stanie się coś strasznego, a my będziemy wynosić ciała?
Carol is furious at me for dragging you back to work.
Pewnie Carol jest na mnie wściekła, że znów wyciągam cię do pracy.
And he was dragging me and our daughter down with him.
I wlekł mnie i naszą córkę razem na dno.
Another says he saw a guy dragging a woman into another car.
Ktoś inny widział, jak jakiś mężczyzna wciągał kobietę do innego auta.
Dragging us up to the mountains and trying to save our souls.
O wyciąganiu nas na wyżyny i próbie ocalenia naszych dusz.
Think I like dragging around after you all day?
Myślisz, że lubię się za tobą ciągać?
What are you dragging me up here to Central Park for?
Po co mnie pan tu ciągnie aż do Central Park?
I don't see him dragging a dead body around on a choke chain.
Nie widzę, żeby ciągnął martwe ciało łańcuchem.
I don't know why you dragging me in this.
Nie wiem czemu mnie w to wciągasz.
Dragging on this meaningless contest after a man has been killed.
Ciągnie pan dalej ten bezsensowny konkurs, mimo że zabito człowieka.
What's this crisis that warrants dragging me out on a Sunday night?
Co to za kryzys, który usprawiedliwia wyciąganie mnie w niedzielny wieczór?
This is them dragging Rwanda back to lay it out on the map.
A to oni ciągnący Ruandę z powrotem żeby rozłożyć ją na mapie.
God, if no one buys this stuff, I am not dragging it back upstairs.
Boże, jeśli nikt tego nie kupi, nie zaniosę tego na górę.
So Callo was involved, and now they're dragging you into it.
Więc Callo był zamieszany i teraz wplątują w to ciebie.
Unless it's one trying to confuse us by dragging a partner in.
Chyba, że jest jeden i próbuje zbić nas z tropu, wciągając w to wspólnika.
If the battery runs down, is like dragging around a wooden leg.
Jak bateria padnie, to tak, jakbyś ciągnęła za sobą drewnianą nogę.
His divorce has been dragging on for three years.
Jego rozwód ciągnie się od trzech lat.
Maybe i wore it down by dragging it along so much.
Może go przytarłem wlokąc go ze sobą (o mieczu?.
He doesn't want this case dragging on in appeals.
On nie chce, to sprawa ciągnie się w apelacji.
Hey, I'm sorry to be dragging your old man out at this ungodly hour.
Przepraszam, że wyciągam twojego chłopa o tej godzinie.
Are you dragging me there to deal with your absurd love-life?
Sprowadzasz mnie tutaj, bym rozprawił się z twoim absurdalnym życiem miłosnym?
This honeymoon is complicated enough without your dragging medical ethics into it.
Ten miesiąc miodowy jest wystarczająco skomplikowany bez dodawania do niego etyki...
Excuse me for dragging you into my private affairs.
Proszę o wybaczenie za wciągnięcie w moje prywatne sprawy.
Cole dragging you back into his world of evil.
Cole ciągnie cię z powrotem do swego świata zła.
Employers are dragging their heels as regards opening a dialogue.
To pracodawcy zwlekają z podjęciem dialogu.
You're not dragging out things like he did.
Nie przeciągasz sprawy tak jak zrobił to on.
You're dragging all of us down with you.
Pociągniesz nas wszystkich ze sobą.
But the ones on the left are dragging.
Ale te po lewej są słabe.
No reason to keep dragging me back here.
Bez potrzeby ciągają mnie tu z powrotem.
Damn, they made a fuss dragging us in here!
Cholera, ale zrobili zamieszanie ściągając nas tutaj.
Oh, thanks for dragging me down with you.
Dzięki, że ciągniesz mnie ze sobą na dno.
So he grabs her by a leg and he's dragging her.
Więc chwyta ją za nogę i ciągnie za sobą.
So you're the reason she's dragging her heels on Paris
Więc to z twojego powodu ciągnie ją do Paryża.
The authors successfully focused on what is important and were not affected by Parliament's problem of dragging in everything.
Autorzy skutecznie skoncentrowali się na tym, co jest ważne i nie znajdowali się pod wpływem problemu Parlamentu polegającego na poruszaniu wszelkich możliwych kwestii.
You come around here, dragging around like a wet goddamn dog!
Chodzisz tak wkoło, - plątasz się tu jak cholerny pies!
Why do you keep dragging me into this?
Dlaczego mnie w to mieszasz?
Mugger wouldn't bother dragging her body that far just to hide it.
Złodziej nie trudziłby się w zaciąganiu jej tylko, żeby ukryć ciało.