ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

adj. zdyskwalifikowany

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Holland aren't exactly playing Total Alcoholism, but they have improved since they upped their game and made Heineken a 5% beer. Grolsch Weizen is a reasonable witbier as well. Denmark's main player is Carlsberg, which is actually very nice in Copenhagen even though it's a palate-botherer over here, but watch out for the maverick Mikkelle Single Hop. Japan's Asahi never hurt no-one â?? "a crisp golden lager with a dry, almost sarcastic, finish" says Pseuds Corner Beer Genie, while Cameroon are disqualified for a pun so bad we're annoyed we didn't think of it ourselves (Cameron/Cameroon, see?).
He is the odds-on favourite to notch up a British first by winning the green jersey awarded to the winner of the points prize, one of the Tour's three major awards. It eluded him by a whisker last year after he was disqualified on one stage. It was the cycling equivalent of a dodgy linesman's call, and it still rankles.
Many of the rules in the code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving. In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison. Such rules are identified by the use of the words 'MUST/MUST NOT'.
The bid by hip-hop star Wyclef Jean to become Haiti's next president ended yesterday after the singer's campaign was disqualified by election officials.
Jean said that he felt he had been disqualified because of Haiti's electoral law that states any candidate must have been resident in the country for five consecutive years. His supporters had argued that, as a United Nations goodwill ambassador for Haiti, he had recently been forced to travel globally for much of the time. His detractors said the singer had spent far more of his life in America than in Haiti. They also pointed to scrutiny of the financial affairs of his Haiti-based charity Y?©le Haiti, which rose to prominence in the wake of this year's earthquake.
The upstart is also shadowed by controversy. By his own admission he has faced 42 police prosecutions, including some for murder, six of which are outstanding. In 2001 he was jailed for 15 months. "It was a fake case and everyone knew it. The bigwigs pressured the police to prosecute me," he says. Last March the supreme court disqualified Dasti from parliament for faking his degree â?? a legal requirement â?? although he was easily re-elected in the subsequent byelection. And for a poor politician he is mysteriously well funded. He borrows the shiny Jeep from a supporter, he said, while the 1,000-rupee handouts come from his parliamentary allowance.

There has to be a good reason why these addresses are being disqualified.
Musi być dobry powód dla którego te adresy są niedostępne.

But Turk kept changing into somebody else, so my father disqualified him.
Turk przeistaczał się w kogoś innego, więc tato go dyskwalifikował.

If you choose to leave this room for any reason, you'il be disqualified.
Jeśli zdecydujecie się opuścić ten pokój, z jakiegokolwiek powodu, będziecie zdyskwalifikowani.

You have just disqualified yourself without breaking any rules.
Właśnie zdyskwalifikowałaś się sama, bez łamania zasad.

If you hit any of the cones, you were disqualified.
Jeśli trafisz którykolwiek z pachołków, jesteś zdyskwalifikowany.

That movement is completely illegal... and you'd be disqualified in competition.
Taki ruch jest całkowicie nielegalny... ...byłbyś zdyskwalifikowany z udziału w zawodach.

And rule three, anyone doing tasteless or vulgar movements will be disqualified.
I trzy. Osoby wykonujące niesmaczne lub wulgarne ruchy, zostaną zdyskwalifikowane.

On account of their special relationship with sheep shepherds are disqualified..
Z powodu swoich specjalnych relacji z owcami, Pasterze są dyskwalifikowani.

McNamara, move this boat out or you're disqualified.
McNamara, wyprowadź tę łódź, bo cię zdyskwalifikuję.

Andyou are technically disqualified for lying to me.
A ty jesteś technicznie zdyskwalifikowany za kłamstwo.

If you touch the coconut, you are disqualified.
Jeśli dotkniecie kokosa ręką jesteście zdyskwalifikowani.

Terrence is disqualified from running for president.
Terrence będzie zdyskwalifikowany z wyborów na przewodniczącego.

But why should she be disqualified?
Ale dlaczego may być zdyskwalifikowani?

You both are disqualified from Laire forever.
Ty obie jest uczyniony niezdolny od Laire na zawsze. Co?

They should be disqualified or arrested.
Powinni być zdyskwalifikowani lub aresztowani!

But that print disqualified 2500 suspects.
Tak ale odcisk wykluczył 2500 podejrzanych.

Win, lose or get disqualified.
Wygram, przegram lub zostanę zdyskwalifikowany.

For the Majles elections in March, to give you an example, 30% of candidates were disqualified, with those having reformist tendencies suffering the most.
Przykładowo, w wyborach do irańskiego parlamentu, które odbyły się w marcu, 30% kandydatów zdyskwalifikowano, z czego najbardziej ucierpieli ci, którzy opowiadali się za reformami.

Which means I'm disqualified from competition,
Czyli to ja odpadam z zawodów.

If Fischer is not in Iceland by noon on Tuesday, he will be disqualified.
Jednocześnie zapowiedziano, że jeśli Fischer nie zjawi się do wtorku do południa, zostanie zdyskwalifikowany.

That's it! South Park is disqualified!
Drużyna South Park jest zdyskwalifikowana!

Sherwood disqualified his handwriting.
Sherwood wykluczył jego charakter pisma.

The non-existence of a joint European strategy has until now disqualified Europe from keeping up with the Asian countries and the United States.
Brak wspólnej europejskiej strategii do dnia dzisiejszego uniemożliwił Europie dotrzymanie kroku krajom azjatyckim i Stanom Zjednoczonym.

Holy Shoot... and Times Were Good was disqualified
Święty Strzał i Stare Dobre Czasy zostały zdyskwalifikowane...