ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

For the month of July, my world is the size of the room that, as an undergraduate, I shared with a medical student, a box of bones under the bed and a skull on our shelf. I think of the long wards of the hospitals I visited as a child, fiercely disinfected but with walls too high to be cleaned properly: those walls receding, vanishing into grey mist, like clouds over a cathedral. Wheezing and fluttering, or slumped into stupor, my great aunts and uncles died in wards like those. Wrapping and muffling themselves, gazing at the long windows streaming rain, visitors would tell the patient, "You're in the best place." And as the last visitor was ushered out on the dot, doors were closed, curtains pulled, and the inner drama of the ward was free to begin again: the drama enacted without spectators, within each curtained arena a private play, and written within the confines of the body a still more secret drama. Death stays when the visitors have gone, and the nurses turn a blind eye; he leans back on his portable throne, he crosses his legs, he says, "Entertain me."

But first, undress. You must be disinfected.
Ale najpier rozbierajcie się... musicie przejść przez dezynfekcję.

Animal urine disinfected many of his wounds.
Zwierzęcy mocz zdezynfekował wiele ran.

Now the Commission is suggesting that we open the market to poultry that has been disinfected in a chlorine solution.
600 miliardów rocznie. Teraz Komisja proponuje, abyśmy otworzyli nasz rynek dla drobiu dezynfekowanego poprzez kąpiele w roztworze chloru.

(PL) Mr President, back in April I sent a written question to the Commissioner, in which I firmly objected to the planned admission into the EU market of chemically disinfected chickens from the United States.
Panie Przewodniczący! Już w kwietniu wysłałem zapytanie pisemne do Pani Komisarz, w którym stanowczo sprzeciwiłem się planowanemu dopuszczeniu na rynek Unii Europejskiej przez Komisję Europejską chemicznie odkażanych kurczaków z USA.