Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It remains to be seen whether The City of Your Final Destination, about a graduate student's struggle to write the biography of an obscure and dead Latin American writer, will turn a profit. Its box office takings in the US â?? where it has not dazzled all the critics â?? are approaching $500,000, and it has not been picked up by a British distributor.
But since we're not going to dismantle the world wide web any time soon, the more important question is: how should we respond? I suspect the answer is as simple as making time for reading. No single medium will ever give our brains all possible forms of nourishment. We may be dazzled by the flashing lights of the web, but we can still just step away. Read a book. Sink into the world of a single person's concentrated thoughts.
The author of the Booker-longlisted novel The Slap â?? which has been published to a storm of both dazzled praise and furious accusations of misogyny â?? has hit out at the quality of European fiction, calling it "dry" and "academic in a cheap, shitey way".
Timothy Leary told a generation to turn on, tune in and drop out. Few had the courage to go all the way in psychedelic trips â?? but you had to be very odd not to be ready to dabble in drugs. They were a political and personal statement. They underscored the new movements and especially the music. Some of what was written in the late 60s and the early 70s hit sublime heights â?? Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, the Stones' Exile on Main Street, the Beatles' self-titled "White Album" â?? and the succession of stunning bands and artists dazzled us. Roxy Music, David Bowie, the Grateful Dead, the Beach Boys, the Band, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, the Whoâ?? One of my daughters conserves all my vinyl from the time, and has even bought a faux-period record player on which to play them. The opening chords of some of the great rock anthems still send shivers down my spine. I was at Olympia, the Roundhouse, Hammersmith Odeon and the Rainbow to see them live. Yes, I was lucky.
Earlier this year, some 100 detectives from 20 different countries gathered in the Swiss city of Berne for three days. Their sole reason for coming together was to talk about the Pink Panthers. Many of those present already knew each another. A similar meeting had been held in Monaco in 2009, where Tokyo police officers had dazzled their counterparts with their "model" report on the Exelco raid. Although the detectives came from three continents and operate in very different legal systems, the common culture of police work apparently overcomes other cultural differences. Having a common enemy in the Pink Panther gang also helps. "We are all police officers so we are interested in the same goal, to apprehend criminals," says Parthenis.
My friends thought I was mad coming on this "holiday" because I'm afraid of the dark (and slightly convinced of the existence of witches, if I'm honest). For the first three days I always wait until daybreak before daring to come out of my tent to pee. On the fourth, when I make myself come out at night, I'm dazzled by the most beautiful golden moon. The night feels soft and gentle. I've never seen the Milky Way look so clear. Back in the tent, I feel happy to have conquered my fears, and then I hear that strange infernal wailing again from the woods behind me â??
The other, quiet star of Tabloid is Tory, the Daily Express columnist who was tasked with looking after Joyce and squiring her about town in various uproarious wheezes dreamed up by his editor Peter McKay. Tory is raffish, amusing, elegant; he was quite clearly as dazzled by McKinney as everyone else, but bemused about her now. While the Daily Mirror insisted on nastily doing down McKinney by insisting on her soft-porn past (she had of course been adopted by a rival paper), Tory and the Express took McKinney's side with gallantry and humour and published photos of her dressed up as a nun.
Zuckerberg gets investment from fellow geek Eduardo Saverin, played by Andrew Garfield, of whose marginally superior social success he is jealous and whom he later betrays by cutting him out of the action in favour of web entrepreneur Sean Parker, smoothly played by Justin Timberlake. Wealthy alpha-male twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss (both played by Armie Hammer) plan to launch their own site, called The Harvard Connection, and try to recruit Mark as their tame techie-nerd; initially dazzled by their cachet, Zuckerberg plays them along, fatally delaying their launch while secretly getting his own up and running. Shrewdly, Sorkin and Fincher show how the Winklevosses are afraid to sue, because that's not the action of an effortlessly superior Harvard man.
He is not alone. The public are equally dazzled by recent coalition crowd-pleasers that seem to signify pain for the better off. Graduates â?? middle class once earning enough to repay their loans â?? take a hit. The top 1.5% of earners get a tad shaved off the shocking quarter of all tax relief they already purloin. Higher earners lose their child benefit. All these are "fair" in the eyes of most, according to the polls. All these soften up the country for the most devastating assault on public services ever attempted. The spin has worked pretty well â?? so far.
We're so dazzled by the outside,we never make it inside.
Tak, jesteśmy tak zafascynowani powierzchownością, że nie zwracamy uwagi na wnętrze
How can a person be so beautiful? Believe me, I'm dazzled.
Jak można być tak piękną? wierz mi, jestem zaślepiony.
I mean, shook my world, changed my life, dazzled me.
Wstrząsnęłaś moim światem, zmieniłaś moje życie.
You're dazzled as if coming from shadows... into the light.
Jesteś oślepiony, jak gdy wychodzisz z cienia... w światło.
Livia, your lively eyes dazzled me one afternoon in the Verano cemetery.
Livia, twoje oczy oślepiły mnie pewnego popołudnia na cmentarzu w Verano.
He dazzled us... with his promise of building a ballet for you...
Olśniewał nas... obietnicami stworzenia baletu dla ciebie...
That action contributed to the fall of the Communist regime. We cannot now allow ourselves to be dazzled by China's economic success.
Przypomnę, że przed kilkudziesięciu laty zostały zbojkotowane igrzyska w Związku Sowieckim i okazało się to być pewnym wkładem w upadek reżimu komunistycznego.
If I'm looking kind of dazzled
Jeżeli wyglądam miły ze strony oślepionego
Okay, prepare to be dazzled.
Dobra, przygotuj się by być piękną.