(Noun) historia Czechy; dzielnica cyganerii;
geogr. Czechy
geogr. Czechy
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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But even if incomplete, the alcohol bills demonstrate how far the corporation has changed since the days when it was a cornerstone of 1950s bohemia â?? and how much more austere it has become in the past few years. Private Eye has traditionally celebrated BBC achievements with a cry of "Trebles all round!" This one might be better marked with a large single.
The time had come for beer. In fact, I had more pub tips in Newcastle than on any other TwiTrip. This, as I'd been informed earlier by @DavidB_NG, is a city that likes to revel - apparently Newcastle was voted the seventh best night out in the World by TripAdvisor, and the third best in Europe behind London and Berlin. Tuesday night was never going to be roaring, but half a pint of Timmermans strawberry beer in The Cluny, as suggested by scores of Tweeters, started me off nicely. This was swiftly followed by a Wylam's Bohemia ale in the Free Trade Inn, a superbly scenic pub overlooking the Tyne, thanks to @johne326, @svenadultbooks and plenty of others.
So it wasn't until the 14th century that the Roman church began to constrain this "indulgence", banning it on its all-too-regular fast days. In 1495 the church began selling dispensations at immense cost to butter-eating countries like Germany, Hungary, Bohemia and later France, assuring them that God loves butter as long as you pay for it. The "Butter Tower" at Rouen cathedral was financed entirely by such cynical invoicing.
Another time they argued about the best beer in Bohemia.
Innym razem spierali się, jakie piwo w Czechach jest najlepsze.
And where have you been in Bohemia?
I gdzie byłeś w Czechach?
But in Bohemia every girl is nice.
Ale w Czechach każda dziewczyna jest ładna.
The winter is very long in Bohemia.
Zima w Bohemii jest długa.
But there's a nightclub in Little Odessa called the Bohemia.
Ale w Małej Odessie jest nocny klub, który nazywa się Bohemia.
They'll be liberated just like Bohemia and Moravia.
Będą wyzwolone, jak Czechy i Morawy.
Little Bohemia is in Manitowish, Wisconsin.
Mała Bohemia. Manitowish w Wisconsin.
Beautiful Bohemia, Bohemia mine.
Piękna Bohemia, Bohemia moja.
(DE) Commissioner, there is a Polish-German-Czech meeting centre in the former monastery of Haindorf in Northern Bohemia, where all the inscriptions and signs are in Latin.
(DE) Panie komisarzu! Istnieje polsko-niemiecko-czeskie centrum spotkań w byłym klasztorze Haindorf w północnych Czechach, gdzie wszystkie zapisy i znaki są w języku łacińskim.
One of the greatest cultural figures was the Bohemian Forest poet Adalbert Stifter, who worked in Bavaria, Upper Austria and Bohemia and united Czech and German people.
Jedną z największych osobowości kultury był poeta Kraju Sudeckiego Adalbert Stifter, który pracował w Bawarii, Górnej Austrii i w Czechach i jednoczył Czechów z Niemcami.
On Mrs Doyle's question of how we are doing: well, I have some farmers in my constituency in Northern Bohemia and, on the one hand, they are doing better because they got more money.
Co się tyczy pytania pani poseł Doyle odnośnie do naszych dotychczasowych doświadczeń, no cóż, w moim okręgu wyborczym w Czechach Północnych istnieje określona liczba rolników.
in writing. - (CS) The release of funds from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund will support the reintegration of 460 workers affected by the closure of the Unilever company in the municipality of Nelahozeves in Central Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
na piśmie - (CS) Uruchomienie środków z Europejskiego Funduszu Dostosowania do Globalizacji pomoże w powrocie na rynek pracy 460 pracownikom, którzy ucierpieli w wyniku zamknięcia przedsiębiorstwa Unilever w powiecie Nelahozeves w Kraju Środkowoczeskim w Republice Czeskiej.