(Abbreviation) Amatorski Związek Pływacki;
kwas acetylosalicylowy
obowiązujący amerykański standard [dotyczący czułości świetlnej]
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Earle's personal trajectory coincides with that growing awareness of the world off shore. She began her career in the great age of space exploration, joining her first research voyage in 1964, at a time when it was still thought bad luck to have a woman on board. In 1969, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. The next year Nasa announced a mission to explore life under water. Earle instantly applied. The agency was flummoxed â?? men and women living together underwater? "They considered it too risque. They thought there might be hanky panky on the reef."
So Nasa raised a first all-woman team of "aquanauts" appointing Earle captain. When the women emerged from their underwater habitat off the Virgin Islands they were celebrities.
The San Francisco company make their UK debut in a double bill choreographed by artistic director King, whose style is delicately inward and physically powerful. Dust and Light is a study of cosmic longing set to Poulenc and Corelli, while Rasa is a dialogue between footfalls and a tabla beat. Festival Theatre (0131-529 6000), 26-29 August.
Two Ivy League university graduates and a former Nasa technician playing rootsy American folk â?? sounds weird but works remarkably well. Queen's Hall (0131-668 2019), 30 August.
The British coffee shop market has become increasingly dominated by Starbucks, Costa and â?? to a lesser extent â?? Caff?¨ Nero. Intense competition spilled over into a bitter row this year when Starbucks complained to the Advertising Standards Authority. It objected to a Costa campaign which boasted "Starbucks drinkers prefer Costa" and "Seven out of 10 coffee lovers prefer Costa". The ASA last month upheld Costa's claims, ruling they were based on independent blind-tasting tests.
Glaciologists expressed surprise at the speed of the break-up of the glacier: "This is unusual because it occurs on the heels of a warm winter that saw no sea ice form in the surrounding bay ... it lends credence to the theory that warming of the oceans is responsible for the ice loss observed throughout Greenland and Antarctica," said Nasa scientist Thomas Wagner.
Other critics have been less generous about Nolan's talent to bemuse. Rex Reed wrote in the New York Observer that "Nolan is an elegant Hollywood hack from London whose movies are a colossal waste of time, money and IQ points," while John Anderson of the Wall Street Journal felt that, "No one short of a Nasa systems analyst will be able to articulate the plot."
In a separate submission to governments, Pablo Solon, Bolivia's ambassador to the UN, claimed that industrialised countries were filling all the available atmosphere with carbon pollution, and preventing poor countries from developing. Solon quoted peer-reviewed research by leading Nasa scientist Jim Hansen and the German government's Advisory Council on Global Change which, he said, showed that the world had a "budget" of 750 gigatonnes of CO2 over the next 40 years if it sought a 66% chance of holding temperature rises to under 2C. The world had a smaller budget of just 420GT of CO2 if it wanted to stay below 1.5C, as more than 100 countries have so far demanded.
Health officials are seeking advice from Nasa on how the 33 miners can remain sane and healthy while rescue efforts continue. According to officials at the health ministry, conditions in the underground chamber are similar to those faced by submarine crews or astronauts.
The government has asked Nasa and Chile's submarine fleet for tips on survival in extreme, confined conditions, and are intending to send them rations similar to those used on space missions.
He's not at all like Asa or his wife.
Nie jest taki jak Asa, czy jego żona.
Look at this asa wake-up call, because the dream is over.
Spójrz na to, jak na budzik, bo twój sen dobiega końca.
He expects to meet Asa, but I have dreamt that she won't show up.
Oczekuje spotkać się z Asa, ale mi się śniło ze ona nie przyjdzie.
Nothing surprises you, Asa, therefore nothing about you is surprising.
Ciebie nic nie zaskakuje, Asa. Dlatego nic w tobie nie jest zaskakujące.
He didn't dream that Asa isn't coming, did he?
Nie śniło mu się chyba, że Asa nie przyjdzie, co?
Asa wants to ask Tulpan himself.
Asa chce porozmawiać z Tulpan.
She's listed asa potential witness.
Była na liście jako potencjalny świadek.
Of your father, old Asa Chiles.
O twoim ojcu, starym Asa Chilesie.
Asa, I'm riding on my horse!
Jadę na swoim koniu, Asa!
Behold, patent infringement via mobile device -- defined asa computer which is not stationary.
Naruszenie patentu poprzez urządzenie przenośne -zdefiniowane jako komputer niestacjonarny.
Because I play golf with Asa Kindler and Bob Woodruff.
Ponieważ gram w gofla z Asa Kindler i Bob Woodruffem.
Asa result, you feel less...
I w rezultacie czujesz się mniej...
Serve! Sherwin Nuland says, It was a privilege to serve asa doctor.
Sherwin Nuland powiedział Służyć jako lekarz tobył przywilej.
Princess Asa and her lover and accomplice, Prince Javutich.
Księżna Asa i jej kochanek, książę Javutich.
Tomorrow I return to my homeland... where Iregain mystatus asa Citizen ofGermany.
Jutro wracam do ojczyzny... gdzie odzyskam mój status obywatela Niemiec.
What if Asa comes and I'm not here? -or if Vidar comes...
Co jeśli Asa przyjdzie a mnie nie będzie? -Albo, jeśli Vidar przyjdzie...
My father, Asa, Mr. Gant.
Mój ojciec Asa, panie Gant.
Asa begat Joshiat and Joshiat begat Joshua.
Asa zrodził Joshiat, a Joshiat zrodził Joshua.”