@'pA: tm@ntsn Apartamenty Basement parking is available for all the apartments (Wszystkie apartamenty mają podziemny parking) - Student University of Leeds (1999) We spent two nights in the Royal Apartments (Spędziliśmy dwie noce w Apartamentach Królewskich) - Student University College London (1999)
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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Shobha and Monica were cousins. They walked to school together through the narrow, fly-ridden alleys of Wazirpur, a once rural village now overtaken by the sprawling suburbs of northern Delhi. They were often in each other's homes, narrow apartments with little privacy.
Shobha and Monica were cousins. They walked to school together through the narrow, fly-ridden alleys of Wazirpur, a once rural village now overtaken by the sprawling suburbs of northern Delhi. They were often in each other's homes, narrow apartments with little privacy.
Now the general is being retried on the same charges: that he laundered â??2.3m from the Medellin cocaine cartel through the BCCI bank in the 1980s. The money was allegedly used to buy three luxury apartments in Paris that have since been seized by the French authorities.
Because they were not high-value assets in Russian foreign intelligence, the deep-cover agents were not expected to get a heroic welcome in Moscow. But Kremlin insiders said they would not be forgotten either, amid reports that they had been offered apartments and up to $2,000 a month in living allowances.
"If they had been professional espionage operatives whose cover was blown then they might have been sent to work in closed training establishments run by the intelligence services," he said. "But these were ordinary people recruited as agents. So they will find work in the same professional specialisations as they had in America and live openly without pseudonyms. I'm sure they will continue to get financial support from the SVR [Russia's foreign intelligence service] and usually the state provides apartments and other material help in such cases."
Somal founded the school five years ago for 180 local slum children living on the banks of the Yamuna river on the outskirts of Delhi. In recent months, she and her pupils have watched a vast new complex of luxury apartments rise 500 metres away: the athletes' village for the forthcoming Commonwealth Games. "We never thought it could be a problem," Somal said.
"Police didn't even have time to evacuate a nursing home or apartments right beside the police station.
Yet there had been a palpable transformation in the way Soviet citizens lived. In 1950, as in 1940 and 1930, they had been wearing hand-me-downs and living for the most part in squalid, crowded "communal flats" carved out of antiquated pre-revolutionary buildings. In 1950, you could be director of a major Moscow hospital and live behind a curtain in 1/17th of a Tsarist ballroom. Ten years later, Soviet citizens were wearing new clothes and moving in ever-increasing numbers into new apartments with private bathrooms; they owned radios and pianos and were beginning to own fridges and televisions too. In 1960, the hospital director would be sitting pretty in a sunny new-build out in the Sparrow Hills and driving to work in a well-waxed sedan with the leaping-stag logo of the Gaz company gleaming on its bonnet. Going by the measure of the capitalism of the 30s, which is what the Soviet Union had first set out to beat in terms of living standards, Soviet life was now spectacularly prosperous. The USSR could now feed, dress, house and educate its people better than depression America or Nazi Germany. If capitalism had remained unchanged, the Soviet Union would at this point have looked like a reasonable, if tyrannous and polluted, version of the earthly paradise.
Magnus Midling-Jenssen has holiday houses and apartments for rental in the Mandal and Lindesnes area as well as boat trips and sea fishing; norges-ferie.no, +47 38 25 60 88.
The Indian "homestay" experience has grown from strength to strength since the idea first emerged in Kerala, a decade or so ago. Now there are homestay tours and specialist agencies for the many hospitable families offering modestly priced accommodation in a variety of homes from city apartments to plantation houses. The majority are in the far north or the far south (Delhi, Rajasthan, Kerala), but the idea is spreading into other states. As a general rule, they are middle-class houses, largely run by the active retired professionals, though there are younger, or poorer, families among homestay hosts. Website galleries proudly feature pictures of "European-style toilets"; they often promise safe drinking water, station and airport pick-ups, drinks in the lounge among the family portraits. Some simply offer homely bed and breakfast while others veer towards the boutique hotel (which is reflected in the price), but the ones to look for are those that invite you to join the family, sample home-cooked regional food and explore the suburbs, hilltops and backwaters of those untouristy corners of India you might never otherwise see.
Your whole family lives in one of those little apartments?
Czy twoja cała rodzina mieszka w tym małym mieszkaniu?
With 80 million you could buy at least ten apartments.
Za 80 mln mógłbyś kupić dziesięć mieszkań.
I was planning to look at apartments, for work, a new life.
To dlategojestem tutaj w tym tygodniu. planowałem rozejrzeć się mieszkaniem, pracą, i nowym życiem.
Do you realise this is one of my apartments? Yes.
Zdajesz sobie sprawę, że to jedno z moich mieszkań?
Fred worked at the apartments where they found the body.
Fred pracował w apartamentach, kiedy znaleźli ciało.
Apartments are hard to come by, so it's worth keeping the one you have.
Więc warto jest utrzymać to, które się ma, nie sądzi pan?
I understand that you have the keys to all the apartments.
Rozumiem, że posiadasz klucze do wszystkich mieszkań.
From this vantage point, you can see into both apartments.
Z tego miejsca można z łatwością obserwować oba mieszkania.
You really should come with me, they got cheap apartments in campus.
Powinnaś ze mną jechać. W kampusie mają tanie mieszkania.
Even back then cheap apartments were hard to find in Manhattan.
Nawet wtedy było trudno znaleźć tanie mieszkanie na Manhattanie.
Everywhere was deserted apartments, in which we had come only.
Opuszczone mieszkania były wszędzie, trzeba było tylko do nich wejść.
Found a badly injured kid in one of the apartments here.
Tak. Znaleźli ciężko ranne dziecko w jednym z mieszkań.
Apartments are hard enough to come by these days.
Wystarczająco trudno jest o mieszkanie w tych czasach.
What is the rate of one flat in My Home apartments?
Jaka jest opłata za jedno mieszkanie w My Home apartments?
There were deserted apartments everywhere, which we only had to enter.
Opuszczone mieszkania były wszędzie, trzeba było tylko do nich wejść.
We rent apartments in Paris and i'm not a jew.
Wynajmujemy mieszkania w Paryżu a ja nie jestem Żydem.
Why? Sofia found a passport in one of his apartments.
Sofia znalazła paszport w jednym z jego mieszkań.
Well, Danny, apartments and illegal narcotics are very different things.
Wiesz, Danny, mieszkania a nielegalne narkotyki to dwie różne sprawy.
Other activities are allowed to occur upstairs, you know,apartments, offices, and so on.
Różne rodzaje działalności mogą pojawiać się na górze,mieszkania, biura i tak dalej.
There was a raid on one of my apartments.
Na jedną z moich kryjówek zrobiono nalot
No more hanging around with boys in empty apartments.
Żadnego więcej przebywania z chłopcami w pustym mieszkaniu.
Here's one of a thousand apartments that were abandoned.
Jest to jeden z setek budynków, które zostały porzucone.
We're not even watching the apartments, to avoid suspicion.
Nawet nie obserwujemy mieszkań, żeby uniknąć podejrzeń.
A contractor wants to flatten the land and build apartments. Ah!
Pewien inwestor chce zrównać teren z ziemią i postawić tu bloki mieszkalne.
They couldn't look out of their own apartments.
Nie mogli wyglądać z własnych mieszkań.
What do we get out of these apartments?
Co będziemy z tego mieli?
Flat number 401 in My Home apartments belongs to you from tomorrow.
Mieszkanie numer 401 w My Home apartments, od jutra należy do ciebie.
I see people buying bigger apartments and having babies.
Widzę, jak ludzie kupują wielkie mieszkania, mają dzieci...
One of their apartments was packed with stolen goods.
Jedno z mieszkań było pełne kradzionego towaru.
There were like, four apartments on this floor.
Na tym piętrze były cztery apartamenty,
How could anyone have lived in such apartments?
Jak ktoś mógł tu mieszkać?
The fund came from the for building these apartments
Tak. Fundusze na budowę tych... apartamentowców pochodziły z
Welcome to the jungle, Also known as royal waverly apartments.
Witaj w dżungli, znanej również jako pofalowane królewskie mieszkania.
I was an only child and I lived in these apartments where
Byłem jedynym dzieckiem, które mieszkało w naszym bloku.
Busy. People always want to buy new apartments.
Ludzie zawsze chcą kupować nowe mieszkania.
A significant proportion of the EU population lives in tower block apartments.
Znaczny odsetek ludności UE żyje w wielomieszkaniowych wieżowcach.
Our apartments on the east side... have magnificent views of the capitol.
Nasz apartament po zachodniej stronie... Ma wspaniały widok na stolicę.
People are sleeping in the apartments next door.
Obok w mieszkaniach śpią ludzie.
He has the keys to all the apartments.
On ma klucze do każdego mieszkania.
I hear it's going to be a row of apartments all up Cedar Lane.
Słyszałem, że będzie szereg apartamentów na całym Cedar Lane.
It looks like one of those manifestos the finds in serial killers' apartments.
Wygląda jak jedna z tych notatek, które znajduje w mieszkaniu seryjnego zabójcy.
The last two years were not good to sell apartments, then do not sell.
Ostatnie dwa lata nie były świetnym okresem, żeby sprzedać mieszkanie, więc nie sprzedaliśmy.
We found someone at the Hollywood View Apartments who could do it immediately.
Whotelu Widok na Hollywood znalazl się ktoś, kto udzielil nam ślubu od ręki.
I got food to deliver, apartments to rent... My life's pretty complicated right now.
Muszę wydawać jedzenie wynajmować apartamenty, i poza tym moje życie jest teraz bardzo skomplikowane.
Our theatre has to go underground, in apartments, basements.
Nasz teatr musi zejść do podziemi i suteren.
Send back-up and an ambulance to Fortune Apartments right now!
Przyslij wsparcie i karetkę do Fortune Apartments natychmiast!
But they're like apartments that we're just renting.
Ale oni są tylko pokojami, które chwilowo wynajmiemy.
He wanted us to meet him at the sunflower apartments in Moncrief Park.
Chciał się z nami spotkać w apartamencie słonecznikowym w Moncrief Park.
Why spend the money on two apartments.
Po co marnować pieniądze na dwa mieszkania?
Family apartments are in the west wing.
Apartamenty rodzinne są w zachodnim skrzydle.