(Noun) geografia Anglia;
east anglia - geografia Wschodnia Anglia;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Drób pochodził z obszaru zwanego East Anglia i wędrował dalej w kierunku północno-zachodnim.
Poultry was coming in from East Anglia and so on, to the northeast.
Jest on dziesięć razy mniejszy od Tytana, a tu jak wygląda w porównaniu z Anglią - nikomu tu nie grożę.
Enceladus is a small moon, it's about a tenth the size of Titan.
University of East Anglia Norwich
University of East Anglia Norwich
Jednym z czynników przetrwania Australii w oddalonym przyczółku europejskiej cywilizacji przez 250 lat było utożsamianie z Anglią.
One of the things that enabled Australia to survive in this remote outpost of European civilization for 250 years has been their British identity.
Half a year can seem like a long time in any campaign, but this is particularly true, in the current climate, for an environmental campaign. First there was the deep disappointment of the failure of the Copenhagen summit last December, then the continuing fallout from the hacked University of East Anglia emails. Harvey, though, says these episodes have had surprisingly little impact on 10:10's progress.
Over at dotearth, Andy Revkin asks: "Was the East Anglia incident a crime?" He has asked six key scientists about Norfolk police's investigation into whether the emails were leaked or hacked from UEA. In short, the researchers have not been impressed by the police efforts. Stanford University's Stephen Schneider has been the victim of deaths threats â?? read our story here and some of expletive-laden emails here â?? and told Revkin "when I sent all my hate emails to Norfolk [police] some months back at their request, they bounced back with a spam filter saying 'too many expletives'! Pretty funny." Our take on the question of hack v leak is here.
Sir Muir Russell, the senior civil servant who led a six-month inquiry into the affair, said the "rigour and honesty" of the scientists at the world-leading Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) are not in doubt. They did not subvert the peer review process to censor criticism as alleged, the panel found, while key data needed to reproduce their findings was freely available to any "competent" researcher.
The slurry tanker was struck by the 17.31 National Express East Anglia service travelling between Sudbury and Marks Tey. The front carriage of the two-car service, which was carrying more than 20 passengers, derailed after the crash but remained upright, police said.
East Anglia is also a haven for wildlife with the Wash, Wicken Fen, Welney's wetlands and the seal colonies of the north Norfolk coast. And if all this isn't enough, it is the perfect location to indulge my passion for boating â?? whether on the Broads or the little ferry ride from the Wash to the historic town of King's Lynn. The list is long and I fear I am losing the art of English understatement I have acquired over the years.
The document, entitled Climate scientists respond, is the latest attempt by climate science community to conduct a co-ordinated fight back against the barrage of attacks and criticism it has endured since thousands of private email exchanges between leading climatologists were taken from University of East Anglia servers last November and published online.
The 451 dishes that Cash analysed were provided by three main manufacturers of hospital food: Apetito, Anglia Crown and MediRest. The identities of the hospitals were not disclosed.
The man, 23, understood to be from Reading and studying at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, was arrested by Cambridgeshire police at the request of the Metropolitan police. He was held at Parkside police station in Cambridge, the police said.
An Anglia Ruskin spokesman said: "We understand that one of our students was arrested earlier today in connection with the incident at Millbank Tower. We are co-operating fully with the police in their inquiries."
"From simple beginnings, with an initial investment of just Â?2.50 60 years ago, Bernard Matthews was responsible for taking the business from 20 turkey eggs and a second-hand paraffin incubator to a successful and thriving multimillion pound company. He is the man who effectively put turkey on the plates of everyday working families and in so doing became one of the largest employers in rural East Anglia and a major supporter of the local farming community."
Mine's a yellow Ford Anglia with flames up the side.
Ja mam żółtego Forda Anglia z płomieniami po bokach.
Take three men and ride back into East Anglia.
Weź trzech ludzi i wracajcie na wschodnie wybrzeże. Król nam się wymknął.
Poultry was coming in from East Anglia and so on, to thenortheast.
Drób pochodził z obszaru zwanego East Anglia i wędrowałdalej w kierunku północno-zachodnim.
Then what is General Patton's army doing in East Anglia?
Zatem co robi armia generała Pattona we wschodniej Anglii?
We have seen Professor Jones from the University of East Anglia - crook!
Mieliśmy szansę oglądać profesora Jonesa z Uniwersytetu Anglii Wschodniej - kanciarza!
Bush and his three bellies are touring East Anglia and the Home Counties.
Bush i jego trzy ślicznotki mają trasę po Wschodniej Anglii i w pobliżu.
Welcome, barons of Anglia, Rothgar and Orick.
Witajcie baronowi z Anglii, Rothgarze i Oricku.
My constituents in East Anglia are already deeply concerned at the scale of the traveller and gypsy communities, particularly so in Essex.
Moi wyborcy ze wschodniej Anglii już są poważnie zaniepokojeni rozmiarem społeczności wędrownych i cygańskich, zwłaszcza w hrabstwie Essex.
Madam President, in my English constituency this week, it was discovered that scientists from the University of East Anglia were allegedly manipulating data to try and prove man-made global warming.
Pani przewodnicząca! W moim angielskim okręgu wyborczym w tym tygodniu odkryto, że naukowcy Uniwersytetu Wschodniej Anglii celowo manipulowali danymi, próbując udowodnić, że globalne ocieplenie jest skutkiem działalności człowieka.
You will be aware that the leaked emails from the University of East Anglia reveal that historical changes in temperature have been manipulated by supporters of the man-made climate change hypothesis by subjectively choosing base years.
Wiedzą państwo, że ujawniona korespondencja elektroniczna z Uniwersytetu Anglii Wschodniej pokazuje, że historyczne zmiany temperatury były fałszowane przez zwolenników hipotezy antropogenicznych zmian klimatycznych poprzez subiektywny wybór lat referencyjnych.
In the past month alone, we have had the scandal of the University of East Anglia; then we have had the debacle over the Himalayan glaciers and now, we have got questions over the effect climate change will have on wildlife in the Amazon.
Tylko w ostatnim miesiącu mieliśmy do czynienia ze skandalem na Uniwersytecie Anglii Wschodniej, następnie z klapą związaną z himalajskimi lodowcami, a teraz mamy wątpliwości dotyczące wpływu zmian klimatycznych na dziką faunę w Amazonii.