Wordnet polsko-angielski

(rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese)
risotto, Italian rice

Słownik polsko-angielski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


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Z kuchni austriackiej przejęto Strudel i Wiener schnitzel, od Włochów zapożyczono risotto i ravioli, a od Węgrów gulasz.
Italy has contributed risotto and ravioli and Hungary goulash.


Jeszcze jedno - chop suey z risotto.
And then -- one thing: they have things like risotto chop suey.


There's saffron lemon risotto, white pizza, cayenne tea.
Risotto z szafranem i cytryną, biała pizza i herbata kajeńska.

Your sister promised to show me how to make a good risotto.
Twoja siostra obiecała mi pokazać, jak zrobić dobre risotto.

There's saffron lemon risotto, white pizza, cayenne tea.
Jest cytrynowo szafranowe risotto, biała pizza, herbata cayenne.

It's risotto, Vyv! - I know snow when I see it!
To jest risotto, Vyv! - znam śnieg gdy widzę to!

Shrimp and pea risotto with basil and mint.
Krewetki i groszkowe risotto z bazylią i miętą.

It was someone who had the mushroom risotto.
To był ktoś, kto jadł grzybowe risotto.

Uh, just staying in and making some Risotto.
Zostajemy w domu i będziemy robili risotto.

Now I eat it off the ground.
Teraz będę musiała jeść risotto z ziemi!

There's some basil risotto in the fridge.
W lodówce jest trochę risotto z bazylią.

Prosciutto's not bad, but it's not what you're saying about the fortunato.
Risotto nie jest złe, ale objawienie to nie jest.

And vegetarian risotto is not feeding me.
A wegetariańskim risotto się nie najadam.

Oh, God. $35 for lobster risotto in a heart-shaped mold?
O Boże. 35$ za risotto z homara.

Svidjet will like it. risotto with large white sponge.
Svidjet spodoba. Risotto z dużą białą gąbką.

I hate waiting; that's why I hate risotto.
Nienawidzę czekania, dlatego też nienawidzę risotto.

I'il just make a nice risotto.
Zrobię po prostu pyszne risotto.

We have risotto Barolo with truffles.
Mamy risotto Barolo z truflami.

I have some risotto to start.
Muszę zrobić risotto.

It's a salmon with risotto.
Risotto z łososiem.

I make a great risotto.
Robię świetne risotto.

Coffee, risotto rice...
Kawa, risotto, ryż...