polit.,tech. revolution
~ amerykańska - American Revolution
~ bezkrwawa - bloodless revolution
~ bolszewicka - hist. Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution
~ demograficzna - demographic explosion, demographic revolution
~ eksportowana na ostrzach bagnetów - revolution exported by bayonet
~ francuska - hist. French Revolution
~ inżynieryjna - engineering revolution
~ naukowo techniczna - scientific industrial revolution, scientific technological revolution
~ nieustanna; ~ permanentna - permanent revolution
~ pokojowa - peaceful revolution
~ przemysłowa - industrial revolution
~ światowa - world revolution, worldwide revolution
~ technologiczna - technological revolution
~ w zakresie siły ognia - firepower revolution
~ wojskowa - military revolution
1. (the overthrow of a government by those who are governed)
2. (a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving
"the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution")
revolution: :
3. (a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving
"the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution")
revolution: :
~ pałacowa palace revolution
zielona ~ green revolution
n fem C (pol i fig) revolution
f revolution