tech. decompression; polit. detente
~ międzynarodowe - international detente
1. (a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry
"the easiness we feel when sleeping")
easiness, relaxation
synonim: rozluźnienie
synonim: spadek napięcia
synonim: relaks
synonim: ulga
synonim: uspokojenie
synonim: ukojenie
synonim: wyciszenie
synonim: relaksacja
synonim: wytchnienie
2. (freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
"took his repose by the swimming pool")
rest, ease, repose, relaxation: : synonim: zrelaksowanie
synonim: wyluzowanie
synonim: rozluźnienie
(w stosunkach międzynarodowych) detente/détente
ntr relaxation
ease of tension
polit. détente
n relaxation, easing of tension, relaxation of tension ~ w stosunkach międzynarodowych détente ~ na rynku relaxation in the market
n relaxation